Page 9 - The Donald Rankin Family and Harness Racing
ISSUE : Issue 45
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/6/1
year. (What does that mean, to have your own stable?) That you will take horses. It's an established business. You have oth? er people's horses, or your own horses, and you race them. She drove. And she trained. The next one is Mary Lou. She's into horses, but into riding. (Right on their backs.) Yeah. She's into gymkhana, which is the barrel racing and pole bending, that type of thing. So she's always had a barrel-racing course. That's how she spent the summer this year, is just travelling all over the Maritimes. (Barrel racing?) Barrel racing. Donnie is sort of the baby of the family. He's racing professionally now. When it got bad in Sydney a year ago November, he moved to Halifax and set up a public sta? ble there. And got along very, very well. Then it was sort of a blow when Halifax closed--Sackville Downs, And he had 16 horses or so. So he took them back home. So he's been racing here since September. I sort of went to the breeding part of it. Say if we were checking a mare, I would just be the secretary. You look for wheth? er the family produces, whether they go.... And it's really amazing, when you think of--like I did a family tree with my (stu? dents) in school. And there were a lot of them--I'm sure they couldn't list their cousins. But when you go to horses, they're so well documented--I guess it's not a comparison--but I could take any horse in our barn and trace it back 200 years. You know, who their father and moth? ers, and who was in the family, and what did they do. It's very, very well docu? mented. And in standard breds it's usually--the sire stands on his own, but a mare stands by her family. It's sort of the rule to go by. So your basic standard is speed, of 0m. ''.' '1#' FIIU]!! The number of forest fires in Cape Breton is increasing. Last year between April and October, 72 were reported. FoiLinately, fast action by Lands and Forests crews and volunteer firefighters put them out before they did much damage. Because even a small brush fire can get out of control and ignite nearby trees in seconds, early detection is essential. WHERE TO REACH US If you see a fire in or near the woods, contact your local Lands and Forests office or Sub-Ranger immediately. If there is no answer, call Zenith 40000, VICTORIA COUNTY Lands & Forests Provincial Building *Baddeck Lands & Forests Baddeck Depot *Shore Road Sub-Rangers George Cheverie Baddeck R. MacDonald Washabuckt Douglas W. Jackson Ingonish Jack MacDonald Tarbot Allister N. Maclnnis North Shore John A. Curtis Bay St. Lawrence *for Industrial Permits 295-2554 or 295-2771 295-2300 295-2177 622-2441 285-2502 929-2781 929-2347 383-2293 Do Vol Nova Scotia '?C Department of Lands and Forests Honourable Ken Streatch M nister INVERNESS Lands & Forests Office Whycocomagh Office Margaree Sub-Rangers Martin Burns Margaree Harbour Clovis Chaisson Grand Etang Andrew Timmons Pleasant Bay Kenny Maclnnis Orangedale Martin Cameron Margaree Forks Harold MacDonald Mabou Harbour irPaii RICHMOND COUNTY Lands & Forests Provincial Building *St. Peters 53 Sub-Rangers Glen Diggdon West Arichat 22 Thomas Matthews Grand Anse 34 Roger MacLeod Grand River 58 Dan Norman MacLeod Stirling 88 Donald MacLeod Loch Lomond 58 Charles Cavanagh Martinique 22 * for Permits Prior to 5 p.m. CAPE BRETON COUNTY Lands & Forests Depot 564-6389 & Forest Station or 'Coxheath 564-8387 Sub-Ranger Main-a-Dleu & area: Roy Perry Little Lorraine 733-2664 Boularderie Island Keith Bain 674-2040 Big Bras d'Or *for Industrial Permits or Permits Prior to 5 p.m. If no answer at Lands & Forests or Sub-Rangers, all areas call: ZENITH 40000 . Prevent Forest Fires And Don't Forget Under provisions of the Forest Act "No persons shall make, kindle or start a fire on land within a wood, forest or forest area or within 1,000 feet of same without such a permit between April 1st and October 15th in the counties of Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Kings and Lunenburg and in all other counties between April 15th and October 15th." Failure to comply with tlie above may result in a fine of up to $500.00 or 6 monttis or botfi.
Cape Breton's Magazine