Page 33 - Icebreakers around Cape Breton
ISSUE : Issue 45
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/6/1
Coast Guard Icebreaker LOUIS S. ST. LAURENT takes the >r<"' Newfoundland ferry, NORTHERN RANGER, through the ice * *' off Sydney Harbour; above' Capt. M. S. Tanner. Isle Royale " Beverages Ltd. It's the realthmg. THE HOME OF FINE SEAFOOD, we have a pickup booth at the SYDN5Y AIRPORT. Call us. Coast To C6ast Air Shipping - Ask For Our Price llist- Phone: Plant (902) 849-5505, Night (902) 849-2705 Write: P. O. Box 160, Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, BlA 5V2 Telex: 019-35241 CHARGEX - MASTER CHARGE - VISA Cote. (SiS. Your authorized COCA-COLA bottler 564-8130 526-4439 245 Welton Street Sydney, N. S. Mairy Browifs FHed Chicken. Kings Road Welton Street Kings Road Sydney River EAT IN & DRIVE THRU & HOME DELIVERY: 794-4410 Sydney Sydney River EAT IN 8, DRIVE THRU EATIN Maify Brown has the bestirs in town. 1. WeIc JL' ANNIVERSARY Welcome to our Cape Breton Shopping Plaza - Sydney River Mayflower Mall - Grand Lake Road, Sydney year of savings for you I Port Hawkesbury Shopping Centre (33)
Cape Breton's Magazine