Page 87 - The Rankin Family and Harness Racing
ISSUE : Issue 45
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/6/1
year-old. And then he started knocking his legs together--"hitting their knees" is the term you use--which slows them down, whatever caused him to start this. He wasn't a real muscular-built horse. His front legs were kind of close together, and when he got going fast, they got-- (Striking each other.) So that I think really kept him from showing his potential. And L J Super Chief was by Cloud Cover-- he's a full brother to Donmar Rain. When L J Super Chief looked good, of course you'd go back and try to duplicate the same pat? tern. (Now when Donmar Rain was born, did you think you'd made any mistakes?) No, He was bigger than Super Chief, which is what you were kind of hoping. He had a wider chest, so his legs were further apart. So it was a good chance--he wasn't going to hit him? self like Super Chief did, (Then he was 4 years getting to the races- 4 years, he hasn't made 5 cents for you,) Well, we started (training) when he was 2, I trained him down. But Dad doesn't be? lieve in racing 2-year-clds, because they're not really developed. You're kind of sending a boy to do a man's job. Al? though that's where the big money is, in 2- year-old stake races. But for every 5 that get rich at that, there's 500 broken down-- pushed too hard to make it, and you end up crippled. So he never believed in racing them at 2. Just break them to the harness, train them lightly, and then forget about them for a year. So then last year he was 3 and it was time to get on to serious training. So we brought him back, and I trained him down in Halifax to 2,17--you're not too far from the races then. And we had a little accident with him. This particular day, when going out the gate onto the racetrack (to exercise), the driver went too close. The gate was very narrow, and you had to drive onto it kind- of square on. And they went out on an angle, and the wheel hooked the post of the gate and flipped the wagon up--the cart--and knocked (the driver) off. So naturally, a young horse, when the shafts touch him on the side, he got spooked and he ran away. So he ran around MacLean Industrial Supply "Serving Atlantic Canada" INDUSTRIAL - MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES 207 Kings Rd., Sydney, N. S. (902) 564-5540 Northside Downs in North Sydney "Cape Breton's Oldest Harness Racing Jrack" ' Two Matinee Race Cards (Post Time 2 P. M.): We Race JULY 25 and AUGUST 22 (Finale to Cape Breton Farmers' Exhibition Week) HORSES FROM ALL OVER CAPE BRETON Parimutuel Betting Canteen Services Sponsored by Northside Horsemen's Association P.O. Box 116, Nortti Sydney, N. S. B2A3M1 '> I-V4-Ii200 '' . . .the number you can call toll free from anywhere in Nova Scotia when you have a question about the provincial government. Our lines are staffed by knowledgeable people who can provide general information about the most frequently used government programs and services. Call toll free from anywhere in Nova Scotia between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. 1-424-5200 - the number to get answers. >C Government of Nova Scotia Valid for June, July, & August, 19 Wr *#' -'mm' &Augusi;, laB''pbj • B
Cape Breton's Magazine