Page 20 - With Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald
ISSUE : Issue 46
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/8/1
The Green Mountain Boys This is a jig from one of Winston's 78 records,' on the new cassette tape. John Allan Cameron told me that this was at one time a very popular jig. It's not played commonly today. The Silver Spire This is the last tune that I heard Winston play in person. I went visiting him on a lunch break at Stott Aluminum • sitting out in the van having lunch, and he played a tune for me and that was the tune he played. It's on the home tapes. It's an Irish reel. It was recorded in the 1930s by Paddy Killoran on a 78. It's also found in the O'Neill's Collection. I transcribed it based on Winston's home tape made in 1982. $%''' 1 n rr'L' Q''' ' _ , 1 . rrn 9 ill 3'_y, * • - 3 A p-, _n 1 • -*-zf' 3 rTTl • 1 1J L '' ' ' M 1 ' *' ?? 11II r ' # • qg:*- '' Mr. Bernard A reel that was found in Joseph Lowe's 19th century collection. Winston has doctored it up, added his own twists, made it better • say what you want! The transcription here is based on the 1958 solo home tape. 1' ' ' ' II I I , II,, r' I I I "T . I , , ,. ' ' rr r' 'IJ JJ' J J JIJJ'JjJJJIJ JJ ' J J Jl'' *-'vjj J 'II J jJ''fJJ. il'lJIJI'll'l '' ' ' dd 'L-LJ • i MM I L'i Liiiiiii il-'=i=H • Bobby Cuthbertson It's a bagpipe tune. It was played by Sandy Boyd. It's one of the few tunes that Winston personally taught me. It took him all one afternoon to teach it to me, quite a few years ago. It's a hornpipe. This is the way he taught it to me. On the 78 he plays it a little bit different in the third turn. The Following People Helped with Music and Information for "Winston 'Scotty' Fitzgerald: House Parties and 78s" Our thanks first to Ann and Winston Fitzgerald and their family. Our thanks also to those who were sources for photos, home tapes, 78s, and music titles: Herbie MacLeod, Arlington, MA., Neil MacLeod, Baddeck, Sandy Maclntyre, Toronto, Doris Fraser, Pleasant Bay, The Beaton Institute, U.C.C.B., Archie Neil Chisholm, Margaree Forks, Graham Townsend, Willowdale, Ont., John Campbell, Watertown, MA., John Donald Cameron, Inverness County, Lewis Maclntyre, George's River, Jean Maclntyre, George's River, Doug MacPhee, New Waterford, The Hill Family, Ball's Creek, Dave Maclsaac, Halifax, Mary Jessie MacDonald, Brighton, MA., The Kelly Family, Newton, MA., The MacEachern Family, Newton, MA., Billy MacLeod, Westmount, Doug MacMaster, Norton, MA., John Cameron, Dartmouth, Len Leadbeater, Sydney. For help with production, thanks to: Dave Palmatier, WMBR Radio, Cambridge, MA., Nick Saja, John Allan Cameron, Markham, Ont., Remmelt Hummelen, Toronto, Phil Kasouf, North Sydney, Jim Can-oil, Baddeck. Our thanks to Frank Swain, Holborne Records, for his permission to include the 78 records that Winston made for the Celtic and Rodeo labels, now owned by Holborne Records.
Cape Breton's Magazine