Page 6 - Wreck Cove Hydro-Electric Investigation
ISSUE : Issue 9
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/10/1
these fish back in, you're going to get an awful lot more. You've got to give Nature a little help. (Do you ever think, on a certain job, I don't want to change this place, I don't want to build that dam?) No. Dams are a challenge. I don't think I wotad ever say I don't want a dam. I might say I don't want that type of a dam. And then I'll fight like hell against the engineer that wants to put a certain type of a dain which I don't think is the right dam. Or do you mean I don't want a dam because I might hurt the country or I might hurt people? (Okay, let's consider that: This is the last wild region in Nova Scotia, and we're about to dam the last wild rivers. Do you ever think about that?) Well, I don't mind taming a river. It's a challenge. My con? science tells me that we are not doing anything wrong. We're sitting in this room. We have electricity, we have ty. And lots of people they talk against the dam build? er, they're horrible people and they're awful people • but they are the first ones to yell if for some reason there's a storm and the power goes off. Where do these peo? ple think that they're going to get that light? Don't touch our water, go on some? thing else • but hydro is the cleanest form of power that you can get. They say you will destroy some of our land • then as a technician I say okay. I will build you an atomic plant. But the danger potentials are there. And fossil fuels are exhaustible. But each drop of water that goes to the sea is wealth that you've lost. When we talk of natural resource the first thing I think of is the people. Then after that I think of what comes out of the land, and what you put into the land that can make it come out • and out of this thing is water. And because we have plenty does not mean that you have a right to throw it away. All the time the water is running out, it's like a transfusion with nobody on the other end. I gave a talk at the Rotary in In? dia and I talked about this business of hurting people. One guy said, "If you are so much concerned with hurting people, why is it that you are building dams?" And I said I'm still the best guy to build dams in this place. I said Maybe I'm hurting people upstream of the dam but I'm still the best guy to protect the people down? stream of the dam. So if I'm hurting somebody I like to forget a little bit about that hurt and think about the 2 or 3 million guys downstream of the dam. So I will build dams, one way or another. R H YMES Flowers &Gif; ts Ltd. 274 Charlotte St., Sydney Phone: 539-1214 Rhymes Plaza Florist Cape Breton Shopping Centre Sydney River Phone: 564-8411 Save 10% on your next purchase Mail or bring this ad and receive a discount of 10% at any Alteens Jewellers Ltd. EASTERN MARITIMES LEADING JEWELLERS Official Electric Shaver Service Depot Gary's H Scuba Shop "Dedicated to Safety in Diving" 427 Charlotte Street, Sydney Bus. 562-3230 Home 849-8106 Scuba Courses Basic and Advanced • Air- Certified Repairs • Tours Summer and Winter Commercial Work includes Underwater Photo? graphic Service • Salvage • Cutting • Welding ANY TIME ANY DEPTH We handle Healthways, U.S.Divers, Divemaster, Farallon and most Top Brand names We are the local representative for the Nova Scotia Underwater Council CAPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE/6 Books on Nova Scotia and Cape Breton A Most Suitable Christmas Gift Loch Bras d'Or $3.95 Girl from Loch Bras d'Or $2.95 Bride from Loch Bras d'Or $2,95 Cape Breton Island $8.95 Beyond the Atlantic Roar (A study of the Nova Scotia Scoti) $4.95 Dame Flora of MacLeod $9.95 (Available December 1st) Memoirs of a Cape Breton Doctor by Dr. MacMillan of Baddeck $7.95 C & G MocLEOD 361 Charlotte Street - P. O. Box 658 SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA
Cape Breton's Magazine