Page 70 - A Visit with Frank & Margaret MacRae
ISSUE : Issue 46
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/8/1
rest of the family went to church. The girl was home alone. And the rest went to church. And these came, and they ganged up on her, they took her off into the wilder? ness, and they killed her. The song says that her breasts were shedding blood, her hair was taken down. And when he found her, she was dead. When the new fellow found her, she was dead. Frank: And he was lamenting that he wasn't with her when this had happened to her-- the lover that had made the song. That was another sort of a lullaby song that they'd be singing. That's an old song that got o- ver here, I'm sure, from the old country. (And again, Frank's mother would sing it as a lullaby?) Sort of as a lullaby. You know, it had that kind of a soft melody that was nice if you were trying to lull children to sleep. It was something soft. (You were saying that Kenny MacLeod read Gaelic stories from a book. Were there peo? ple here noted for making up stories?) Mar? garet : Oh, yes. There were a lot of people. Do you know any of Don? ald William's stories? Were You Born Before 1923? If SO, you may be wondering what to do with your R.R.S.R's. A League Savings R.R.I.F. (Registered Retirement Income Fund) puts you in control of your retirement income • the way it should be! r]j/ '.f A R.R.I.F. is by far the most flexible option available to you when the time comes to convert your R.R.S.P funds into a regular retirement income. A League Savings and Mortgage R.R.I.F. offers you: Flexible Payment Options Your choice of regular payments on an annual, semi? annual, quarterly or monthly basis. No Fees Excellent Interest Rates Variable and Guaranteed rate options available. Call today for detailed Information or complete the coupon below and mail to your nearest League Savings Office. League Savings S Mortgage Member-Of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. 235 Charlotte Street Sydney, NS BIP 1C4 539-8222 LJ Please send me further information on League Savings R.R.I.F.s [I] Please have a League Savings representative call to discuss R.R.I.F.s Address Province Frank: Oh, the only sto- ry that I know, that D. W., the time he was out trapping out in the woods, during winter. He came home. And he was telling the story. And they were talking how cold it was last night. Oh, he said, it was ter? rible cold where he was last night: that the light in the lamp froze! The kerosene (lamp), you know--that it was so cold that (the flame) froze. Margaret: He was great at telling stories like that, you know, just to be funny, and people used to get a kick out of them. He used to make up these stories--they were just lies, you know. He used to make them up for fun, just to entertain people. He loved to entertain them. People who would gather like that in a house in the evening. D. W. was there--that would be the entertainment for the evening, D.W. tell? ing stories that he made up. He was telling one time about the bear, when he got him on the pole of the wagon. He was haul? ing supplies out to the Oregon (a pulp-cutting operation at St. Ann's) when the Oregon was work? ing. And he was going out with a load, a big wagon full of supplies. And he was on his way out, halfways up the mountain • here he met this big bear ahead of him on the road. And oh, he didn't know what he was going to do. The bear stood his ground. He didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't have a gun or
Cape Breton's Magazine