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ISSUE : Issue 46
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/8/1
Great Gifts for You and Your Friends AND WE MAIL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD THE SIXTH COLLECTORS' EDITION Issues 30 through 34 In One Book * $6.50 INCLUDES: Cape Bretoners in World War One * Shipwrecks on the Fourchu-Framboise Coast * Alex John Boudreau & the Co-op Movement * Mabel Dubbin, V.O.N. * Mine Rescue Team * Cartier & the Cape Breton Shore * Janie Nicholson, Midwife * Bill Fraser, R.C.M.P. * Sorcery around Cheticamp * Wilfred Poirier, Lobster Buyer * Horses in the Coal Mines * AND MANY MORE STORIES Dont iVIIss Future Issues of CapeBretOn's MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS '''''t'Ho''''' '"'"''f''Sr'''''' BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE: (except Issues 2, 5,19, and 26) Issues 1 to 29 each $1.00 Issues 35 to 38 each $1.75 Issues 39 to 43 each $2.25 Issues 44 and 45 each $2.75 Fiddle Music On Cassette Tapes Cape Breton Fi(j(dlers on Early LPs Dan R. MacDonald Donald MacLellan Theresa MacLellan Dan Joe Maclnnis Johnny Wilmot with their accompanists IN CANADA $7.00 (Nova Scotia residents add $0.70 provincial sales tax) OUTSIDE CANADA $8.00 (U.S. cun-ency, please) Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald House Parties and 78s Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald, with accompanists (from home tapes made for friends, plus all the unavailable 78 records) IN CANADA $10.00 (Nova Scotia residents add $1.00 provincial sales tax) OUTSIDE CANADA $10.00 (U.S. currency, please) CELEBRATING OUR 15th YEAR Mike MacDougall (violin) Tim Donovan (guitar) IN CANADA $6.00 (Nova Scotia residents add $0.60 provincial sales tax) OUTSIDE CANADA $7.00 (U.S. currency, please) Mike MacDougairs Tape for Fr. Hector SEND CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER TO: Cape Breton's MA G A Z IN E WRECK COVE NOVA SCOTIA Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson Paul Cranford Carol Kennedy AUGUST 1987
Cape Breton's Magazine