Page 4 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
men never had to pay anybody to do their jobs for them. If you were without milk, and somebody's cow calved, they'd supply everybody with milk that didn't have milk. Because the next year, perhaps they'd be without milk, and somebody'd have to supply them. That's the kind of a life we lived. A great life. When I spoke to (one woman) and said, "I would like to go back to those old days," she said, "I wouldn't want any part of it." But see, (she) was brought up with a little money, and they didn't need all this. We were poor. You know, we weren't poor at all, when I think of it. We were very wealthy. We had enough to eat. Enough to eat and enough to wear. I would love to go back to that kind of a life, if I was young again. We had some great times. The coasting. We had to do our lessons first, and then out coasting. We could be out nights till 8 o'clock in the moonlight there, coasting down all the hills. Whole bunch of us get together. There were 6 or 7 children in every family then, you know, the same age, pretty near. It was great. BATTERED WOMEN... ... AND YOUR CHILDREN. IF YOU NEED HELP, CALL: 539-2 945 TRANSITION HOUSE (How old were you when you first went away?) 1925. I'll be 82 in September. I went to work at Sydney first. Got $20 a month. I worked for 7 people in a family. Washed and ironed for 7 people; fed them, cooked for them. I remember (the first) time I got paid: $20. And I went down to Wright's store and I bought a square for my mother's dining room floor--$18.75. So all I had was a dollar and a quarter for the month. So we walked to church--which was a long walk. Walked home again--instead of paying car fare. We left our money for the postage to write our parents. (Quite an investment. You worked all month for that.) All month. For 7 people. All week. (Seven days a week. And where did you live?) We lived right in the house, on Whitney Avenue. But (another girl) worked for a family that was very wealthy. They were the wealthiest people in Sydney. And the food was locked on her. She wasn't al? lowed to have anything to eat, only what they left, what they served at the meals. The food was locked up after that. But where I worked--of course, there were 7 in the family, and it was a lot of work-- there was only one lady where (she) worked --I could eat all I wanted. And I was the first plate that was served at the dining room. They'd send it out to the kitchen to me. I got treated well with food. The work was hard. SMAin>i/ii??> (Seven days a week. How would a young woman get ahead? Or was there any idea that you would get ahead? NAN LAUGHS) COME HOME TO KENT From the instant you step into a Kent Home, you Icnow you've crossed the ?? border from the ordinary to the extrs- ordinaiy. Here will be homes which are nothing short of a miracle in today's world of high priced homes.. Impressive, inspiringly designed homes. With distinctive appealing exteriors and superb wen-planned interiors. But at Kent we want you to shop around, l'oolt at wliat eveiyone else has to offer. Look at their designs, their floor plans, their prices and especially... their quali'. toolc at eveiything you get Inside and out Then • Visit Kent Youll want a honrie- Kent Homes Helping to build Atlantic Canada for over 25 years buHder that has made a commitment to quality... the kind of commitment that Kent Hontes has made for over 25 years. Look at our homes ck>sely. Compare design and engineering. Compare standard features. Compare constructkm details. And then compare value. Kent quality homes are buih for Jife. Start living. COME HOME TO VALUE. COME HOME TO KENT. VIstt our medd homes today. rnent or If your pr' we'n visit you at your
Cape Breton's Magazine