Page 5 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
Nan's mother. Annie MacLeod Urquhart was like a little child--to get her living room. You know, then, when they had Sacraments, all the people--did you ever hear of all the Sacraments they'd have down there? And people coming from North River and Wreck Cove, and staying overnight, you know. They'd come from North River and stay-- Englishtown, and all those places. And you'd have people ever3rwhere. That's what she was so happy to have the furniture for. That she could seat them in the living room when she was getting the dining room ready for food, to serve the food. (Before that) she didn't have a thing in that room, only boards. No, we weren't thinking about that. We were taking it day by day, I guess. I don't know. But it's still a great life. (Even that.) Even that. You could go out and not be afraid. There was nobody hurting anybody else. Even in Sydney then, you were safe. These days, people have everything when they get married. They don't wait to get anything. They have everything when they get married, so they don't appreciate it. They really don't. It's just pathetic, re? ally. They don't get anything out of life,, as they go along. (Were you aware that you had a great life, while you were having the great life?) Well, I never felt unhappy about it. I guess we didn't stop to think. We thought it was pretty good to get out and earn our own money, and know that we could do some? thing for the home. I only went as far as Grade 9 in school. And then I went to Sydney to work. I don't think I stayed there as long as I could have had the job! It was a hard job. So we went back home, and we worked in the lob? ster factory. See, I was the youngest girl. I stayed with my mother, I guess--stayed till I went to Boston. (Was there any opportunity besides working at the lobster factory, along the North Shore, 1925?) No. (There'd be no chance to make any money.) No. (Was the alternative: go away to work, stay home, or get mar? ried?) Right. (Was it really just like that? Couldn't do anything else?) No. (So what did you choose?) I went to Boston. I was up there 2 years, I guess. When I got to Boston--my mother never had her living room furnished. So my brother and I got to? gether. And I said to my brother, "If you'll buy the carpet rug, I'll get the furniture." So we sent an order to Eaton's. And we sent the stuff home to her. Like that. And when I came home, my mother met me and she said, "I want you to come in and see the room you folks furnished for us." They said when that stuff landed that she Then when my mother died--I was on my way (back) to Boston when my mother died. They stopped me in Truro. I only had 5 minutes to get off the train, and they took my lug- Since 1914 H. H. Marshall Limited Corporate Head Office Halifax, N.S. 3731 Macintosh Street B3K 5N5 "WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS OF PERIODICALS & BOOKS" BRANCH OFFICES CHARLOTTETOWN ST. JOHN'S SYDNEY H. H. Marshall LIMITED, 103 York St., Sydney (539-3220) DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED "H. H. MARSHALL LIMITED TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE MANY PEOPLE WE SERVE. IT HAS GIVEN US OUR VALUED HERITAGE AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO AN EXCITING FUTURE." Catering J Services I 1 for Any f J Function I Large orl L Sopl] J >' • ?' Yellow Cello Cafe Bakery'', Pizza Deli '' • *''' 295-2303 c/"' .0* ?>' (5)
Cape Breton's Magazine