Page 9 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
In with the doctor, I guess. He stopped to feed the horse and the doctor hollered to him, "No feeding the horse. You have to keep going. Our time is precious." It took us from 9 o'clock in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon to get to North Sydney. And when they operated on him that after? noon, as soon as we got there--they had to put two dollars and 50 cents worth of brandy in his system. His heart stopped for a minute. They injected it all through him. (But they saved him.) Saved him--I guess they did. And I had to stay with him the first 3 nights. He wouldn't go to sleep un? less I stayed. And then the next night I left, I went home. And at two o'clock in the morning the Sister called me. She said, "I think we have to send a cab for you." She said, "He won't go to sleep for us." I had to come back. And I asked him the next night, I said, "Will you try to be a good boy and go to sleep tonight, so I can get home? And it'll give the Sisters a chance, to let them know that they're doing some? thing, that you don't have to have me at your side." So he said, "Yes, I will." So I didn't have to go back after that. But I climbed that hill on crutches. You know where the old (North Sydney hospital) --I climbed that hill every day. I stayed up there all day. And back down again in the evening--for 6 weeks. But he was coming along so well. But when we took him home, he looked like a broom that you'd put a jacket over it. And Dr. MacMillan told me, he said, "It'll be a year before he can do anything." And they had a bottle of medicine that the Co? operative store had. And it was old garlic, or--oh, you never tasted anything in your life, or smelt anything like it in your life. And it said on the bottle that any? body that could drink a bottle of that. 236 Townsend St., Sydney, N.S. BIP 5E8 Phone 539-4566 Limited Edition Collectors Plates & Fine Giftware wouldn't ever have TB. When I tc brother about it: "You get it," he said, "and I'll drink it." "Well, now," I said, "somebody told me it was terrible." He said, "All right." When we got it, and he smelled it: "I'll take it. Nan," he said, "under one condi? tion. That there is nobody in the dining room but myself when I take it." I said, "Are you sure you're going to take it?" "Yes, I'll take it." And he took the whole bottle. I had brandy, and eggnogs, and cream. In 6 months the doctor was going by --whenever he'd go by he'd drop in to see him--but this day he examined him, and he said, "He can go to work tomorrow." He said, "I have never, never, never in my life seen anybody come along like he did." (Of course, most of this time you've been on crutches.) Oh, yes. Then I was on a crutch and a cane by the time he left the hospital. It was two years before I could put those two knees together in bed. It was healed. But it was painful. The bone wasn't quite as strong as it should have been. Superior Service: I 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Automatic Delivery: every 12 or Marketing a Complete Line of Propane Burning Appliances Superior Propane Off Hwy. #305, Leitches Creek, Sydney 539-1060 Breiicaicr MOTEL 560 King's Road Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada B1S 1B8 phone (902) 539-8101 call toll free 1-800-528-1234 Located on the Sydney Harbour Front away from road traffic, yet only 3 minutes from Downtown Sydney (9)
Cape Breton's Magazine