Page 16 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
Join the Team... If You've Got the Stuff, We've Got the Life! THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD COLLEGE Put some colour into your future: sea green, sky blue, and Canadian Coast Guard red and white. The Canadian Coast Guard College needs men and women with ambition, with mathematical and physics skills, and who know how to handle a challenge. A limited number of men and women are accepted each year for demanding programs in navigation and marine engin? eering. The Canadian Coast Guard College four year pro? gram is tough, but it pays off with a colourful career. • Free tuition, school expenses paid, and a training allowance. • Guaranteed employment in your field after graduation. ' Valuable, practical experience while attending college. • Modern private rooms, equipment and facilities for academic, physical and social activities. THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFE TIME! Joignez-Vous a Notre Equipe... Nous Sommes La Pour Vous! LE COLLEGE DE LA GARDE COTIERE CANADIENNE Mettez des couleurs dans votre vie: celles de I'eau et du ciel, avec le rouge et blanc de la Garde cotiere can? adienne. Le College de la Garde cotiere canadienne a besoin d'hommes et de femmes ambitieux, forts en math'ma- tiques et en physique, et d'brouillards. Un certain nombre d'hommes et de femmes sont rejus chaque annee ci nos programmes de navigation et de mecanique mar? itime. Les quatre ann??es de formation au College de la Garde c6tiere canadienne exigent beaucoup mais assurent une carriere sans pareil. • Aucun frais de scolarit', depenses reliees h la forma? tion toutes payees et allocation. • Emploi garanti dans le domaine d'Etudes. • Experience pratique et avantageuse pendant le sejour au ColUge. ?? Chambres privees, equipement et installations des plus modernes pour les activites scolaires, sportives et sociales. UNE EXPERIENCE INOUBLIABLE! towards him. And he cleared the road. And there wasn't a thing--it just passed by. The next day his father was gone, or his uncle or somebody, died. But they've always told about things like this. Well, I think there were quite a few people had forerun? ners , those years. I can remember one time Effie MacLeod's fa? ther was building his new house. And they lived in the old house down below--it's not there any more. And my mother said to me, "There's a light in Uncle Dan's new house. He must be working late." And I said, "Well, he wouldn't be working this hour of the night." Well, the next morning, we were told that my grandmother died. And they were in that window the next night making the casket, with that light shining in the window. (The house where you had seen a light--) The night before. But my husband saw a lot of things that I don't even know about. He didn't like to talk about them too much. I believed in them because--there was another night my mother and I were home. And we heard--it was in the fall of the year, and there was a lot of frost in the ground. And our house, there was just the road between a slope and our house, our driveway. And my mother said to me, "We're going to have company," she said. "There was a wagon went by." And we looked. We waited. There was nobody came in. We went to the bedroom win? dow, we looked out there, there was nothing out there--it was moonlight. And we stayed there till the wee hours of the morning watching for that thing to come back. And it never came back. But just a year from that time, the same wagon went by there, the same noise went by there. And there was a death--they came with a message of death. Same time and the same sound and everything. We were scared, really. We were scared. My father was away. And the night my mother died. She died through the night, I guess. They went up to a prayer meeting in the Breton Cove Hall. I had left for Boston, and I was in Sydney Mines. And I got the train in the morning. And when I got to Truro there was a message for me to get off the train and go back home. (But) the night before (she died) they went to a prayer meeting--my mother, and a neighbour, and Christine Maclnnes's moth? er- -Tommy Peggy's mother. And when they were coming home from the hall, right at Peggy's gate, they saw this thing coming, and they said, "We'll have to get off the road." And my mother never moved. And the rest of them all got off the road. My moth? er was dead the next morning. She just took a turn. (Later, through the night.) Yes. (Not on the road there.) No, no, not on the road. But see, she didn't see it. (Oh, she
Cape Breton's Magazine