Page 16 - Mary Ann Beaton Makes Country Cheese
ISSUE : Issue 9
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/10/1
You just put, say, a half a cup of salt on a gallon or a gallon and a half of curds • and that'll make about an eight-pound cheese. You shake the salt on and you mix it all up, sort of like when you're washing butter. You just squeeze the salt all throi'h the curds, you know, with your hands. Then you add a little more and you squeeze it all through the curds. And you add a little more salt until you think you have enough • about a ha'lf a cup I would sav. Some like it saltier. (She used fine fish salt, breaking the curds up very small.) Then you'll put it in what we call the press and you'll put a weight on it and you'll leave it there for a day and a night. Then the next dav vou take it out and you have your cake of cheese. Five Friendly Clerks and One Grouch To Serve You GEORGE'S DAIRY BADDECK MACRAE'S aULF SALES AND SERVICE BADDECK, NOVA SCOTIA TIU 314 Charlotte Street SYDNEY All Rooms Overlook Sydney Harbour Vista Motel King's Road, Sydney, N.S. RESERVATION NUMBER: 539-6550 OPEN ALL YEAR Cape Breton*s Magazine/16 • CampGill CampGill Lighthouse Cape Breton Shopping Plaza Sydney River, Nova Scotia CampGill Electrical Supplies Ltd. P. O. Box 386 Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia
Cape Breton's Magazine