Page 61 - Introduction to Micmac Hieroglyphics
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
seen or known before. Since word formation in Micmac, as in all the Algonkian languages, is quite com? plex, it would be also difficult to create simple ideograms to rep? resent complex words, since ac? count would have to be taken of the many formative elements in such words. It was inevitable, therefore, that with the passage of time such a ponderous writing system should be replaced by a much simpler alpha? betic system. The Micmac hiero? glyphics remain, nevertheless, an interesting historical document: a record of native Algonkian shapes put to a coherent and intelligent use, with the manuscripts showing many pages of lovely and artistic penmanship. And they will remain, for all time, a monument to a peo? ple's search to maintain their values and to pass them on to suc? ceeding generations. Our thanks to John Hewson for per? mission to reprint this article, first published as "Micmac Hiero? glyphs in Newfoundland" in Lan? guages in Newfoundland and Labra? dor, edited by H.J.Paddock (1982). And thanks to Ruth Holmes White? head, Nova Scotia Museum, for the group photograph. Images of petro- glyphs and the Micmac cap are from her book Elitekey. See also Rock Dr&yings; pf the Migmac Indians by Marion Robertson. Both published by the Nova Scotia Museum. HISTOEICAL MAGAZIKE. OCTOBER. 1862- iriOMAO OR BEOOLLEOT HIEROGLTPHIOS. THB OUR rXTHER. ' V i-l' I mil ' cfc I iVu'xAuuii watok jiin Uehiptub dtluinn nuhidtdtmA, vatoh n'Ulidandn, Uchipluk Our Father Ught thoa art tittln; ms.j u :hou an Bomed hoaoced, hcavca that r? go, majr/ vta lumsdii vlnUutiuny nadtl xeatek tiMk Xhtn w? se? the? w? will b? happy, thera hearan th?f a? m%j also <-2 i' m> dill iktduUk, mayamSuh M -ir* obe/ thee, ?iuth 2 ii A. ;' PO J:6 • 0?' 'zbg OS thoa hast givea, ajaia oow to-day • food to as let come d4litl4da>k, t?? they obey thee, the aarae food ibr our aourishmeat I s itli abtiriiiaktii wtgaiuinaTrudtnik, tip HZ 'tithsm dtli abiJcnktuin ( • we poidoa • who have been aajry with os, alao thoa Great Spirit thoa i? pardoa tltuvliUh, siaaen, m*Ouni?? irutseA vinctdU na atrangthea nerer ayaia bad thinja 311 Si? 77. mtt Vtifolinm, luintdkieamlil vrintehiitt aot ire are brought, erUa bad loltMt tuacAlui/t of erery kind remove from as that U true HIST. JfTAO- TOt. T. 3T Thanks to the dedication, hard work, and continued support of our employees, our 25th Anniversary Year was a tremendous success. We look to the future with confidence, and with continued support we pledge our best efforts to be a worthy corporate citizen for the benefit of all. Special thanks to all our employees from the Management at Stora Forest Industries. STORA Proud to Be Part of a 700-Year
Cape Breton's Magazine