Page 62 - Signing your Life Away, Number One
ISSUE : Issue 47
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1
Signing Your Life Away, Number One THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that Michael Tool son of Michael Tool of Sydney in the Island of Cape Breton hath, and by these presents doth vol? untarily put himself to apprentice to Mr. John Muggach of Sydney aforesaid. Car? penter and Joiner, to learn his art, trade or mystery and after the manner of an ap? prentice to serve him from the day of the date hereof and during the full term of twelve years and one month or until he is twenty-one years of age, being at the date hereof eight years and eleven months old. During all which time he the said apprentice his master shall faithfully serve, his secret's keep, his lawful commands everywhere gladly obey. He shall do no damage to his said Master nor see it done by others without telling or giving notice thereof to his said Master. He shall not waste his Master's foods nor send them unlawfully to others. He shall not commit fornication nor contract matrimony within the said Term. At cards, dice or any unlawful game he shall not play. Whereby his said Master may be damaged with his own goods or the goods of others during the said Term, without license of his said Master, he shall neither buy nor sell. He shall not absent himself day or night from his said Master's service without his leave, nor haunt ale houses, taverns or play houses, but in all things be? have himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do during the said Term, and the said Master shall use the utmost of his endeavours to teach or cause to be taught and instructed the said apprentice in the trade and mystery he now professeth, oc- cupieth or followeth and procure and provide for him the said apprentice sufficient meat, drink, apparel, washing and lodging fitting for an apprentice during the said Term, and for the true performance of all and every the said Covenant and Agree? ment either of the said Parties bind themselves to the other by these Presents. his IN WITNESS THEREOF they have interchangeably set their hands and seals this 27th day of August, in the thirty-eighth year of Our /n 'wa- u t- Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God ''S'' Michael x Tool Of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender aT"' u of the Faith, etc., etc., and in the year of Our Lord One ''S'' J''' Muggach thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of (Sgd) John Meloney (Sgd) Richard Dobbin (Sgd) Michael Tool NOTE that Mr. John Muggach is to instruct or cause to be instructed the said ap? prentice as far as the Rule of Three direct. Entered the 15th Sepr. 1798 (Sgd) D. McKinnon Regr. "Sighing Your Life Avay" is an occasional series. The series will offer examples of agree? ments in Cape Breton's history--such as treaties, company house leases, union settlements, petitions for land. We welcome readers' suggestions of items to include in this series. The above Indenture Agreement is from the collection of the Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton. Our thanks to Ross Muggah, who told us about this document.
Cape Breton's Magazine