Page 14 - Advert: What you don't know about boating can kill you
ISSUE : Issue 48
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1
This advertisement sponsored by "The Canadian IVIarine Rescue Auxiliary (M)" volunteers working with the Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue in the saving of life and preventing further loss of property by prevention training. CANADIAN MARINE RESCUE AUXILIARY: BACKGROUND AND FORMATION Government involvement in SAR duties from immediately after the war, 1947. At that time DND was made solely responsible. By 1960's DOT (later to become CCG) of? fered the use of its services to DND for SAR purposes. DOT had a small fleet of rescue craft at that time. In about 1970, the first Canadian lifeboat was established at Clarks Harbour, with an ex-American Cutter, 44-foot. Maritimes Region now has nine lifeboat stations and two SAR ships on area allocations - Mary Hichens and Alert - and they exchange areas from time to time, i.e., North or South of Halifax. In 1977, members of the public ap? proached Government for support for vol? untary lifeboat organization in British Columbia. The result of this was that the idea of the CMRA was conceived. The ideal was that it should be inaugurated in five separate and autonomous Regions ~ Western, HO Vancouver; Central, Toronto; Laurentian, Quebec; Maritimes, Dartmouth; New? foundland, St. John's. The first Maritimes unit was activated in May 1979, at Summerside, P.E.I. Fol? lowed two days later by Pictou, then Bridgewater, Alder Point, and Baddeck. All in 1979. CMRA was set up as a private corporation to assist the Government in SAR. The CMRA provides vessels and their crews, the vessels being equipped to at least the minimum standards required by law. The CMRA also undertakes to assist in SAR Prevention through the conduct of Courtesy Examination and local publicity, etc. Each CMRA Region has its own Board of Directors under a President and Vice President. The Government, through CCG, provides funding for administrative and organiza? tional and insurance costs and expenses for use of the vessels. CCG also provides training support, administrative support, and general guidance. Rescue Centre - Halifax Standard Marine Distress Signals Search and Rescue/ Canadian Coast Guard Radio Radiotelephone Radiotelegraph Call: Mayday (S.O.S.) Give: name and 500 kHz position or use alarm Use: signal J''""'-'''''''Emergency posl- 'itKKMZ, tlon-indlcatlng ?ln'"""" radio beacon Code Flags Distress Cloth Ball f' over or under '''H Square Hi Sound Signals f'':' Continuous: '''V>rf Foghorn, bell, valx Gun or any iT- Flares TypeD: Buoyant or hand? held orange Flashlight Arm Signal helicopter (differ- '1!? • Flame on Vessel tar. oil in barrel, etc. Dye Marker 1-800-565-1582 LAST YEAR, SOME BOATERS HAD the last time of their lives. You have a lot of fun inaboat. But, If something goes wrong, you cant just get out and walk home. And once you're out there on the water, things can suddenly go very wrong. A txjating course can hep you make it home. Boating courses dont take much tbne, or cost much money. And they're not overly technical or complicated. For further infonrtation on txjating (xturses near you, contact the assoclatk>ns listed or complete this coupon and return it to the Canadian Coast Guard. • Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons • Canadian Yachting Associatton • Canadian Red Cross Society • Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association • Canadian Boating Federation • Royal Life Saving Society Canada • vX'' Yes, I am interested in further information about boating courses in my area. PROV._ POSTAL . CODE Canadian Coast Guard Mail to: Canadian Coast Guard, P. O. Box 1013, Dartmouth, N. 8. B2Y 4K2 Garde cotiere, canadienne Coast Guard canadienne 'Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine