Page 22 - A Ceilidh at Malcolm Campbell's
ISSUE : Issue 9
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/10/1
her knees and I don't know what she was saying. The third time.... Helen: Did she have silver in a dish? Hugh: Yeah. The third time the horse.... Malcolm: Water out of a running brook and some silver.... Hugh: The third time the horse jumped up to his feet. The third time she went on her knees. Jesus the horse jumped up. But he didn't thank the old lady. Helen: No, no, no. Malcolm: You weren't supposed to thank them. That would spoil it. Hugh: But I believe it's all fake. Helen: They maintained in those days it was a God-given gift. Everybody didn't have it. Malcolm: Now you know there were people in our community if they looked out at your horse or your cow and said that was a fine animal, would say, "Well, God bless him." That was to ward off the curse in case he had the evil eye and didn't know it. Otherwise the next day the animal would be sick. Helen: And with your children as well. Hugh: But just the same, I went over to John Hayes' and the 3-year old heifer was dead stretched out in the field. I said "Jesus, John, take a walk" • and I went and got my jack-knife and I went to the ear. The heifer jumped up. For Jesus sake I took half of the ear off him with the knife. "Thank God, thank God you were here to cure her." "Cure her nothing," I says. Be Jesus when she was an old cow you could see her ear split. But my grandmother done that to Archie's horse. And Mrs. MacAskill, Mal? colm. Old Mrs. MacAskill. John Alex' horse in Salmon River. I went on a Sunday for a string and went back to the camp and tied the string on kind of tight. In the morning the string was down and look the knee was all right. Now v'at are you goii' to do about that? But on your life with these fingers (the forefingers and thumbs) you tied the string. You wouldn't put any of the other fingers. The horse's knee was way out • okay in the morning. But where did it all go? I don't know. Cards for All Occasions The Card Shoppe Sydney Shopping Centre INGONISH Deervale Cottages Phone 285-0073 Since 1930 we have offerred a Service of Quality and Friendliness which will not change. YAZER BROS. LTD. Sydney and Sydney Mines 7 Days a Week On the Cabot Trail Maclnnes ESSO INDIAN BROOK 'Se saeillean a'phosas daoine ri lusan Flemtning' Hoi ey Truro and Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia Qualified Dispensers Always in Attendance OWL DRUG STORE D. I. MacDonald, Prop. Your Northside DOROTHY GRAY DISTRIBUTOR Convalescent and Sick Room Supplies Sales & Rental Drug Sundries and Cosmetics P.O.Box 125 794-3611 North Sydney ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Cape Breton's Magazine/22 CHICKEN CHALET S:>'' 4 outlets to serve you- Blowers St, North Sydney Sydney Shopping Centre, Prince St Sterling Road, Glace Bay CB. Shopping Plaza, Sydn' River 794-3534 S64-6322 849-MS9
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