Page 24 - A Ceilidh at Malcolm Campbell's
ISSUE : Issue 9
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/10/1
there eight years afterward. Malcolm: And she was brought home and buried from her father's house. Hugh: Everything is funny. We went into Dan Peter's and he was saying the rosary, Dan Hayes and I. When I went on my knees, right at the door, well hell started up? stairs, upon my soul. The noise and shifting and everything. I followed right throt'h and we had a cup of tea and I asked Dan Hayes, "Did you hear it?" "Hear what," he says. "Well," I said, "you were right along side of me." I was in the house when that man was dead, mister, when they were taking him down • and that was the noise. How many years was that? Helen: A good many. Malcolm: I heard furniture moving like that that was used at a wake, too. Chairs. A house that I was in. In the middle of the night. The woman of the house heard it too. She thought there was somebody downstairs. She came downstairs. And there wasn't a soul there. But not long afterwards a relative of their's died a few houses away and they were short of chairs and they came and they took these chairs for the wake. Helen: Our maternal grandfather made caskets. Malcolm: Yes, and Aunt Tora was the one who used to get the forerunners about them. He used to make them up over the kitchen loft one time, in the wintertime. And she was sleeping there. Different times she had felt the bed move. Well, they'd have to move her bed to set up the workbench. Malcolm: A forerunner can be when you see a living persoii too. A stranger was going to come. And'you'd see a forerunner of a stranger. It might have no connection with death at all. I remember tJncle Peter seeing one home. He saw this woman going around the barn. And I don't know how many years afterward this girl came to teach school and she was boarding at our place and she and I were out throwing the ball over the barn, you know, and he saw her running and he remembered that. Sadie: What about seeing John Campbell? Malcolm: Yes. And the man was living and lived for many years. He was a neighbor of ours and my uncle was working over at the bam. He was fixing the barn door. I was with him. I was about nine I guess. Nine or ten. And about 3 o' clock in the afternoon • mother was in the house alone • and fe saw this neighbor of ours going in on the front door. He only lived up the road I suppose 5 or 7 minutes J ALLIED VAN LINES Moffatt Bros. Ltd Moving and Storage Sydney 564-4538 ACOeSON'S ILADIES WEAR LTD.: and Charlotte Street, Sydney CO-OP Building Supplies and Harbour Homes • your best Cape Breton Source of PRE-ASSEMBLED HOMES and COHAGES • Complete stocks of lumber, building supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical materials. W? cater to the building public Phone C902> 794-7251 Cable BRENNANS Telex 019-35149 Night & Holiday 736-8479 794-3178 ...... Brennans t'JI Travel Agency 'mii.' PURVES STREET, NORTH SYDNEY STEAMSHIP AIRLINE • RAIL AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS CO-OD C0-0P BUILDING SUPPLIES '' '' '' i' 1 Kings Roady Sydney 539-6410 Station St??, Port Hairtcesbury 625-2600 Operated by Maritime Ce-operative Services Ltd. Cape Breton's Magazine/24 Building Supplies "The Home Care Centre" Welton Street Dial: 564-5518
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