Page 58 - Aunt Annie MacLeod, Wreck Cove
ISSUE : Issue 48
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1
that "I'm saved"--that means all those that don't say that, can't be that they're going to heaven. I wouldn't like to say that at all--"I'm saved." I'm just thinking of those old people. (What does "saved" mean?) Well, that's what I'd like to know. What do they feel, and how do they know that they're saved? I'm sure my grandfather and those people, they were really very religious people. All I think about them is that they worried that they weren't good enough that they would go to heaven. (When you were young, what did your relig? ion teach you was going to happen to people who hadn't accepted Christ, like Jews, and like the Mohammedans, things like that? What does the religion teach us is going to happen to them?) Oh well, I mean, like now, say--we were taught a lot of things then. We were taught now, say--we were very fond of berries. Say, now, Sunday, we saw ber? ries. We.wouldn't pick one of those ber? ries. And if we saw a tree there with love? ly spruce gum in it, we'wouldn't touch it, because we expected that we'd drop dead. We wouldn't do it, even if we knew nobody around us knew it. But God knew it, if we did it, and we wouldn't do it. Anything that they taught us, now, not to do on Sun? day- -we wouldn't do it. I think that's some of the religion we had. (And that was good, you feel.) Yeah, that was good. But I'm afraid we're far from that today. (Oh, I think there's no ques? tion about that.) Well, I don't know, I was saying now about knitting. I like to knit. And I was saying, Well now, if I knit Sun? day, it's for a good*cause. I'm doing it for other people. I'm not doing it for mon? ey, and for my own good, but for other peo? ple that need mitts and socks and things like that. And I don't think it'd be sinful to do that on Sunday. And the berries are out there, and people go to pick berries on Sunday. Well, if they're working all week and can't go, the berries are there, and it's good for yourself. Just the same as lobster. Years ago, when they went out Mon? day morning, they took all the lobsters out of the traps. They wouldn't take any lob? sters that were in the traps, because they went in Sunday. You heard about that, I guess. Now that was quite religious. And I'm sure it was a big temptation to some of them. But I bet they wouldn't do it because they knew God knew it. mind?) No. I don't know. Oh, I don't be? lieve in that part, though. You know, I don't think that was sinful for them to take lobsters. They didn't go out Sunday to fish them. They went out Monday and they were there. I don't think that was sinful. No, I don't believe that. But I believe it was a big sin for people to think that the religion they belonged to is the only one. I think that's a big sin. Because it's not what church we belong to, what religion. It's what's in our hearts, and what we do. There's nothing to do with what religion. But you know one time how bitter they were about that. (Indeed.) Ah, it wap sad, wasn't it? Well, I'd better not keep you. (At the end of ong of our cQnvgrgatipns. the subject of obituary verse came up--the kind of memorial vgrgg that we find in the news? papers , And Aunt Annie g'id: "I see in the papers all these memorials, you know-- somebody died. 'Oh, God, take care of him.' And, 'Hold him in your arms.' J don't ap? prove of it. They're darn lucky for if they get to Heaven, let alone be in God's arms!") (Do you think today God's changed his Our thanks to Dan Murdock and Donald Morrison. Wreck Cove, for older photographs from their family album. Thanks to Evelyn Smith for help with photographs. Anna Walsh family for their hogpit'lity. And to the Reg and Correction: On page 18 of Issue 47, there is an ad called "Rebuilding a Forest." This ad was placed by the Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests. We neglected to include the proper identification for the department. It should have read: Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests Honourable Jack Maclsaac Minister John Mullally Deputy Minister
Cape Breton's Magazine