Page 60 - Before the Loyalists: Acadians in the Sydney Area, 1749-1754
ISSUE : Issue 48
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1
there is very good for ploughing, that grain will grow as well as in Acadia, and that there is enough land to establish thirty heads of household (habitants). There are eight or nine families who would bring their cattle to settle this autumn." These Acadian families were later identi? fied as being from near Halifax. By early September 1749, these Acadians, numbering approximately 100 adults and children, had made their move. They relo? cated to be under the protection of the French king, with many beginning their lives anew at Bale des Espagnols. Others established themselves at Mordienne (Port Morien--Cow Bay) and L'Indienne (Lingan). There had previously been French settlers in the last area (131 in 1724, down to 20 in 1734), but neither Bale des Espagnols nor Mordienne had earlier been populated. The sudden influx meant that the island's administrators had to consider re? establishing some old roads on the island and building some new ones. Other Acadians, 5 to 6 families, moved from Nova Scotia to Port Toulouse (St. Peters) at this same time, but no special expenditures were an? ticipated in their case. The relocation of Acadians to Cape Breton was T.ikely not an easy one. Besides the emotional trauma of severing ties with their mainland homes, the Acadians had to overcome a measure of British resistance Centre for International Studies • SPEAKERS • PROGRAMS • RESOURCE LIBRARY for Schools and Community Groups on International Development Issues I TELEPHONE: 539-5300 ext. 277, or 929-2063"1 [Funded by the CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY| Based at the University College of Cape Breton (to their departure). The commander on lie Saint-Jean, Claude-Elisabeth Denys de Bon- naventure, complained of this British atti? tude to Des Herbiers, who in turn wrote the minister that a well-armed frigate would be needed the following spring, to oppose "force with force." Back in France, the minister of the Marine, Antoine-Louis Rouill6, read with pleasure the accounts of the Acadians' moves to lie Saint-Jean and lie Royale. In light of how the British were tightening their grasp on mainland Nova Scotia, particularly with their stronghold at Halifax, Rouill6 stated that nothing was more important in the re? gion than to draw Acadians away from the enemy region and to either of the French islands. The cost of the relocation was high, but the authorities at Versailles considered it important enough to set aside the required funds. For 1750-51, nearly 100,000 livres of the lie Royale allotment was spent on transporting and provisioning the Acadians who moved to lie Royale and lie Saint-Jean. Assessments of the Acadians' Relocating to lie Royale Because of the importance placed on the relocation policy, the French officials at Louisbourg watched the progress of the new Acadian settlements with great interest; and with highly critical eyes. In July 1750, as the Acadians were ap? proaching their first anniversary in their new surroundings, lie Royale financial com? missary (commissaire-ordonnateur) Jacques Provost wrote the minister that the estab- STUBBERT'S Convenience Stores Videos * Lottery Tickets * Film * Frozen Foods * Magazines * Snacks [24 Hours: • Corner George & Glenwood, Sydney 1 • 172 Main Street, Sydney Mines • 1170 Kings Road, Sydney River • 275 Commercial Street, North Sydney J [Daily: • Florence • Bras d'Or • 83 Pierce Street, North Sydney] • 1467 Victoria Road, Sydney J "We're there to serve you whenever you need us!" "Wh&B; you meet your friends" OVERLOOKING SYDNEY HARBOUR 400 KINGS ROAD, SYDNEY I 564-4567 (902) i 105 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS-ALL NEWLY DECORATED NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM * MEETING FACILITIES * COLOUR CABLE TV COMMERCIAL RATES * OFF-SEASON RATES CASTIE GATE LOUNGE Sir Arthur's Fully Licensed Dining Room OPEN! YEAR 'ROUND |
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