Page 65 - Sid Timmons: Pit Stories
ISSUE : Issue 48
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1
Sid TimmOnSI Pit Stories continued from inside From cover My brother and another fellow were rum sick--at a telephone. And about nine o'clock, this thing passed, you know. The other fellow said to my brother, he said,' "Boy," he said, "I was drinking, but," he said, "I never saw a rat that big in my life. Did you see that?" And my brother said, "Yeah. But it wasn't a rat. I don't think. Couldn't be," he said, "that big." The dog--he was only about that high, he was about that long, you know. but Well, it scared the two of them, you know. They thought they were in the jigs then. And he came down. And at ten o'clock that dog found me. He waited 'til someone opened the door, and he shot through it. And he was never down there before. Yeah. That's the day I got mad at him and I put him on a full trip and sent him up--to see if he'd be killed? And Francis MacEachern said, when the trip stopped on the surface--he'd just dug a little hole in the corner of the box. He jumped off and shook himself and went out to the washhouse. He was there when I came up in the evening. The pit stopped hoisting coal by night-- just what empty boxes were there, you'd get them. So, course, him and his buddy had prefer? ence over me and my brother. We were driv? ing two places, and of course they were in the main place--they got the preference, Glace Bay's Only Complete Uni-Body Shop ROY ALIVION AUTO BODY GLACE BAY, N. 8. 849-9746 you know. So, the day shift shotfirer came up and he said, "Sid, no use in you going down to? night. There's only 14 empties." So, we'd need 13 or 14 a pair. He said, "That's all we got. So," he said, "the other fellows get the preference." I said, "They won't tonight, boy." So my brother said, "Let's go home." I said, "No, we're not going home." And, as you go down in the slope--there's about 200 feet of concrete slope--you know, before you--there'd be worms on it. And they'd be as blue--and thin, you know. No nourishment. I picked two or three of these worms. And I knew that she (Sid's wife) had put sausage in my lunch, you know. So, I made sure to sit with him. And we had another thousand feet to go-- from nine to ten. And I said, "Look, Ra? nald, before I get out of the rig I'm going to have a bit to eat." HARNESS RACING IS ACTION '' ' ' AND THE ACTION IS AT Tartan Downs Raceway Ample Parking Fully Licensed Tack Room featuring Excellent Meals Beverage Room Canteen Facilities Big Screen in Beverage Room SUMMER RACING Monday & Thursday Post Time: 7:30 P.M. Prince St., Sydney, N. S. Reservations 564-8465 ATLANTIC SIRE $TAKEg (June 9, July 7, July 9, Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Sept. J. A. FERQUSQN MEMORIAL INVITATIONAL (June 9) CAPE CEILIDH RACING DAYS (July 4-9 inclusive PEPSI-COLA INVITATIONAL (July 14) ACTION WEEK '88 RACINQ (Aug. 1, 2, 4, 6) Year-Round Harness Racing in the Heart of Sydney
Cape Breton's Magazine