Page 90 - Kieran Ballah Remembers M.J
ISSUE : Issue 48
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1
their basis right there with that boy choir. And everything was out of his own pocket. The parish never took us on our picnics. Dad did. He would buy the food, he'd buy the pop, and he'd buy the hamburgers and the hot dogs, and put the picnics on for the boy choir. We never had any money; we never collected money. We put a stage play on, he would have to buy the costumes. Oh yeah, he spent out of his own money. We'd be pretty poor at home, but he'd have to do that. He was good. They loved him. They really loved him. Just at the end, when his health was bad, that memories were bad, memories for the people that knew him. But to them, he was well loved. Especially by the boys. He was good to them. That's interesting when your voice changes. I went through the stage, and it's around age--oh, I guess it's 13, I suppose. You know, one year, one summer or spring, you're singing great. You're singing the high notes like a little bird, like a little girl. Come September, you can't get the notes out--just squawking and groaning. It happens. then you go a couple of years, you don't sing at all, because you don't fit into the men's choir, you don't fit in I financial assistance ' • Toestablislia I Canadian East ' Coast operation '4 To benefit from a quality of ?? life conducive to the ?? stability and I productivity of ' the workforce ?? Remarkable financial assistance includes a grant of 30% of building and equipment costs plus a grant of up to 30% on the balance of approved capital costs plus a tax credit of 60% on capital costs to companies locating in ttie Cape Breton tax zone. • The Strait of Canso Port provides a strategic market location on a deep, ice-free harbour, with existing industrial parks and support services. Our people are reliable, productive workers with a sense of pride in the quality of their work and the personal fulfilment of participation in the many activities of small communities. On-the-job training programs assist in adapting workers to the skills of a particular industry or business. We offer an unique opportunity - grants, other financial incentives, a favourable tax status, industrial infrastructure, a prime location and the active support of municipal, provin? cial and federal governments. For details, contact the Executive Director, Strait of Canso Industrial Development Authority, Box 610, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada, BOE 2V0. 902-625-1631 Telex: 019 37532 It has been said that our region "has the most attractive Investment climate In Canada." the boys' choir, you don't fit anywhere. It happened to me; I remember those days. (Did it bother you at the time?) Oh, gee, yeah. Because, well with me, I was doing so much solo work, and so much in demand. And asked to sing, and being paid to sing--you'd even get paid then. You know, weddings, and on the stage, and concerts. We would sing any? where. The nurses' graduation in Glace Bay--St. Joseph's Hospital. That was a big celebration in the Savoy Theatre. Well, they'd have entertainment that evening. They'd call Dad, and I'd go on with him. We'd sing a duet, and he'd sing his solos. I never sang much alone at those shows. We did a lot of singing togeAer. Good times together. Yeah, it was nice. (You can tell you enjoyed yourself.) Yeah, we en? joyed it. He was very strict with us in our singing. When I got older, I moved away, he gave me old heck for being in the festival, I shouldn't have been there. But I can re? member as a young boy, when I was around 12, being a very high soprano singer-- supposed to be very good, I guess. I was singing in one of the shows, those "Scouter's Variety Shows" that he was pro? ducing. And he had it set up with--there was a red velvet curtain that was dropped behind me, and I was to be alone on the stage with one big spotlight. And I was to wear the soutane and the surplice that I wore in the choir. And singing "Ave Maria." And it was a big show, big production. Oh, there would have to be over a hundred peo- Medical Hall Pharmacy EST. 1906 1 Commercial Street, Glace Bay • COMPUTERIZED PRESCRIPTION SERVICE • FILMS • SUNTAN LOTIONS • FIRST AID SUPPLIES 849-6552 IF BUSY 849-1030 Danena's Restaurant and Take-Out LICENSED OPEN 7 PAYS A WEEK ( Home Cooked Meals * Home Baking ) 383-2118 SOUTH HARBOUR on the Cabot Trail near Cape North Passport Photographs While You Wait Official Home of "Your Pace or Mine?" ~'*bhass Stadia Ltd, ONE HOUR niM PROCESSING ) 5" X 7" Enlargements or Reprints in Only 20 Minutes! Weddings ' Conmercial & Industrial ' Family Groups * Graduation ABBASS STUDIO LTD. 170 Townsend St., Sydney * 564-8234 or 564-6491 OVER 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CAPE BRETON
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