Page 44 - 3 Cape Breton Acadian Folksongs
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
3 Cape Breton Acadian Folksongs The following songs are from a new book of Acadian folksongs collected by Dr. Helen Creighton and jointly published by the Uni? versity College of Cape Breton Press and the National Museum of Civilization, called La Fleuif du Rosier. The book covers 4 dis? tricts: Grand Etang, Pubnico, Miramichi, and the Tignish/Miminigash district. We have, of course, chosen our selections from songs collected in Cape Breton Island. Left: Dr. Helen Creighton collecting songs from Peter Chiasson at Grand Etang. Cape Breton, in the early 1950s: and Dr. Creighton today. Papa Me Battait / My Father Beat Me UNE FOULERIE (MILLING FROLIC), GRAND ETANG, 1957 tait fa - ti - quant J' a - vais tou - jours faim. Un jour je prend te, Je cours dans les bois Pour me ca - cher la Mes amis, je vais vous chanter Une chanson nouvelle; C'est moi-mem' qui I'a compos'e Et je la trouve belle.' Arriv' k I'ag' de cinq ans J'avals tout' mes dents Et je fumais la pipe. Papa m'y battait, Maman m'y grondait, Mais moi j' fumais ma pipe... My friends, I A new song; I composed it myself And I think it's beautiful. When I was five years old, I had all my teeth And I smoked a pipe. My father beat me. My mother scolded me. But I, I smoked my pipe... going to sing to you Real Estate & Insurance 'If you're thinking of selling your home, give us a call." Serving Industrial Cape Breton and North Victoria R. Hickey & Co. p. O. Box 96, North Sydney B2A 3M1 Gerald Brennan, Mgr. Residence: 794-4564 "And remember: No sale, no charge." 794-3119
Cape Breton's Magazine