Page 45 - 3 Cape Breton Acadian Folksongs
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
Arrive k I'age de dix ans, A l'6cole on m'y m'ne; Mais ga n'a' pas dur6 longtemps, Cela, que six semaines; C'6tait fatigant, J'avals toujours faim. Un jour, je prends la fuite, Je cours dans les bois Pour me cacher 1' Et pour fumer ma pipe. Rendu k 1'Sge de vingt-cinq ans. Tout rempli de caprices, J'allais voir les fill' de vingt ans Sans leur faire de malice. Je leur parlais, Je leur souriais D'une mani're ang'lique. Papa m'y battait, Maman m'y grondait, Mais moi je fumais ma pipe. Ac' t' heure que j'ai beaucoup vieilli, J'ai change de caprice: Le rhumatique et les ennuis, Ce sont 1' mes d'lices. Le mal d'estomac La gorge en fracas, On dit que c'est la grippe. Et ga va tous bien. Et en attendant Je vas fumer ma pipe. When I was ten years old. They sent me to school. But it.didn't last long. Only six weeks. It was tiresome, I was always hungry. One day, I ran away, I ran into the woods To hide there And to smoke my pipe. When I reached the age of twenty-five. My head filled with fancies. I was dating twenty year old girls But did not harm them. I was talking to them, I was smiling to them. The angel's smile. My father beat me. My mother scolded me. But I, I smoked my pipe. Now that I am much older, I changed my fancies, Rhumatism and boredom Are now my delights. My stomach aches, My throat hurts, They say it's the flu; They all feel well. In the mean time, I am going to smoke my pipe. La Chanson du Guerrier / Soldier's Song AS SUNG BY PETER CHIASSON, GRAND ETANG. 1957 rir pour sa pa - trie. Cha Y'a rien de plus informe Que la vie-t-au cachot; On n'y voit que I'aurore, On n'y voit plus le jour. Mais plutot d'y etre esclave, J'aim' mieux mourir un jour, Mourir pour sa patrie. Chacun meurt k son tour. 1 meurt Nothing is duller Than life in a dungeon; One sees only the dawn. One does not see the day. Rather than be a slave to it I prefer dying any day. Dying for my country. Each person dies in turn. ADLC IMPROVEMENTS m - REPLACEMENT VINYL WINDOWS ~ BLOWN INSULATION ~ AIR TO AIR HEAT EXCHANGERS ~ AIR LEAKAGE TESTING watZanty Energy Conservation *?''J'?0/l Contractors Warranty gflxartUA Corporation COVERING CAPE BRETON AND EASTERN NOVA SCOTIA - 849-7000 Fraser's Deli & Convenience /f= Fresh Daily Home Baking Deli * Meats * Cheeses ONE STOP CONVENIENCE Union at Amelia • GI-ACEBAY • 849-2090
Cape Breton's Magazine