Page 47 - 3 Cape Breton Acadian Folksongs
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
Le IVIatin Quand Je l1e Leve / In the Morning When I Get Up coup ser; Mais moi, qui est (*) Mais quand j' en un Le matin quand je m'y Ifeve, Je mets la main sur le cou, Sur le cou de ma bouteille Je lui fais fair' glou, glou, glou. Ma femme jure et ell' tempete Quand je veux la caresser; Mais moi, qui est si s'v&re;* Je ne peux m'en empecher. Si je meurs, que I'on m'enterre Dans la cave oH est le vin; Les pieds centre la muraille Et la tete sous un robin. Si on veut quelques gouttes, Ca s'ra pour m'y rafraichir. Mais si le baril d'bouche, J'en boirai-t-& mon loisir. Les quatres plus grand-t-ivrognes Porteront les coins du drap. Et le reste des ivrognes Chanteront le "Libera". lis diront les uns-t-aux autres: "Mettons-nous h deux genoux. Boira-t-il dans 1'autre monde Comme il faisait avec nous"? In the morning when I get up, I place my hand on the neck. On the neck of my bottle. I make it sound glou, glou, glou. My wife swears and makes a fuss When I want to give her a caress; But as for me who is so severe* I can't help myself. If I die, let them bury me In the cellar where the wine is. My feet to the wall And my head under the tap. If anybody wants a drop. It will be to refresh me. But if the barrel breaks open, I will be able to drink to my satisfaction. The four worst drunkards Will carry the sheet corners. And the remaining drunkards Will sing the "Libera." They will say to one another: "Let us go on our knees, Will he be drinking in the next world The way he drank with us?" * L'informateur a sans doute oubli6 le vers "Mais quand j'ai un coup en tete," et lui a substitu' celui-ci de son invention. * Evidently, the singer has forgotten: "But when I am drunk," (it appears in other ver? sions) , substituting this one instead. Our thanks to Tim Belliveau, University College of Cape Breton Press, for permission to offer these songs. The book La Fleur du Rosier (Acadian folksongs collected by Dr. Helen Creighton) is available from the U.C.C.B. Press, Box 5300, Sydney, N. S. BIP 6L2. The book includes musical notation for each song and English translations of all lyrics. Introduc? tion by Dr. Ronald LaBelle, University de Moncton. Hard Cover: $39.95. Soft Cover: $24.95. MACLEOD'S TRUCKING ltd. BIG ENOUGH TO GIVE GOOD SERVICE • SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOUR NAME! 539-0070 <* • • 562-7093 WE BUY AND WE SELL AND WE'RE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE Sid's Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney Best Western Clapmore Inn and Conference Centre ANTIGONISH, N. S. (902)863-1050 Indoor & Outdoor Pools / Sauna / Hot Tub / Licensed Dining Room & Lounge Golf & Tennis Courts: 5 IVIinutes * Adjacent to Antigonish Shopping Mall
Cape Breton's Magazine