Page 60 - Billy James MacNamara of Evanston
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
father say that he bought hemlock out there from a fellow that came from New Brunswick with a load of hemlock, (from) Miramichi, for $7 a thousand. That was pretty cheap. (What were some of the other things that they'd have on board.) She was mostly lum? ber- -if she was a lumber vessel. Some more of them'd come in here with coal, selling coal. And some more in the fall of the year would come in here with potatoes and tur? nips and oats and miscellaneous stuff like that. (Clothing, anything like that?) No. There were a few stores around. (When you say you'd go out for coal or out for potatoes--what would you take to go out? What did each family take?) Well, they were fishing here then. They all had boats then--2 and 3 boats--they had them. Used to build their own boats. My grandfather and father built his own boats--most of the men here built their own boats. They were 15-, 16-foot--some of them were square-sterners, DEPART ARRIVE SYDNEY HALIFAX 8:45 A.M. 5:10 P.M.I Go ACADIAN STRIPS DAILY BETWEEN SYDNEY & HALIFAX TRIP 52 - Pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. LITTLE BRAS D'OR. BIG HARBOUR. BADDECK, LITTLE NARROWS. WHYCOCOMAGH. PORT HASTINGS. PORT HAWKESBURY. & others TRIP64L - No other Cape Breton pick ups 10:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. TRIP62L - Pick-ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. 11:00 A.M. 5:40 P.M. LITTLE BRAS D'OR. BADDECK. WHYCOCOMAGH. & PORT HAWKESBURY RIP 54 - via St. Peter's - Pick ups in: SYDNEY RIVER. 2:15 P.M. 9:50 P.M BIG POND. ST. PETER'S, GRAND ANSE. CLEVELAND, PORT HAWKESBURY, & others TRIP 76 - Pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. BADDECK. 6:00 P.M. 12:00 A.M. WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HAWKESBURY (SUNDAY TO FRIDAY ONLY) PARCEL EXPRESS Same day servk:e to most Maritime points Collect shipments now accepted * Excess Insurance available to $500.00 "Prfority Pak" our new 12"x16" waterproof envelope with aflat rate throughout the Maritimes for $4.00~sold 10 for $40.00 GRAYLINE SIGHTSEEING TOURS June 1 - October 15 See Historic Halifax / Peggy's Cove We depart from most hotels for these tours. ACADIAN LINES LIMITED 6040 Almon Street, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5M1 CALL TOLL FREE 1-454-9321 for further information and more of them, they called them i "stemmers." They were sharp bow and stern. But they were able boats. They were built strong timbers in them and riveted strong-- stronger than you'd get today. You could depend on them not going to pieces. They'd be about 4 feet, 5 feet across--about that width. And they'd be from probably 12 to 16 feet long. Clinker-built--what they call clinker-built. They'd lap the 3/4-inch board over. Some of them were seam-built too. (Were they rowboats?) Rowboat and sail. (Same boat?) Yeah. And you could beat to windward with them too. You could go right head to wind with them.... The majority of the boats, they fished in. See, the bigger boats. They had what they called, in the middle of the boat, a centre board. They'd push it down, when they were beating to windward, see, to hold the boat against the wind. And when they wanted to pull it up, they'd pull it up. It was a good rig, too. With just the sail alone, well you only could sail when you had a kind of a free wind. If not, you'd have to row to wind? ward. But they could sail to windward with that. Make it tack this way, another tack that way. And they could gain ahead all the time, if they didn't want to row. (These were the boats they also used for their fishing.) Oh yes, that's what they fished in, them boats. (How much coal or potatoes could they put in something like that?) Oh, they could put a good bit. They'd take quite a load in those boats. Five or six hundred mackerel, you could put in them, out in the bay. At that time, you see, most Lunenburg fish? ermen and American fishermen--the Gloucest- Specialists in ffruidows! 341 Welton St,. Sydney SERVING ALL OF CAPE BRETON PRODUCTS LTD. Phone:539-4111 • No structural changes • No nxire painting • Clean from inside FREE ESTIMATES Cape Breton Mental Health Centre Main Location: 1st Floor, Cape Breton Hospital, Sydney River Satellite Clinics Serve TTiese Areas: North Sydney ~ Glace Bay ~ New Waterford ~ Neil's Harbour ingonish ~ Cheticamp ~ Baddeck ~ St. Peter's Services: Psychotherapy ~ Individual Counselling ~ Marriage & Family Counselling Group Therapy ~ Consultation to Agencies, Schools, etc. Drug Tlierapy ~ Forensic Assessment ~ Psychological Testing Parenting ~ Children's Services Referrals accepted from all sources. You can even refer yourself. Please Call 562-3202 or 562-3110 or 562-3333
Cape Breton's Magazine