Page 64 - Billy James MacNamara of Evanston
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
ahead. There's like a stream--the leaders-- stream leads the rest. We run into a gale of wind, some place off of White Head. And I took seasick. First trip to sea. Oh, pretty near I died. And he couldn't run in with me, it was too rough to run. We were hove to under--just, no sails on her, just hove to, bare spars, just bobbing the sea. He thought I was go? ing to die. Anyhow, the next morning the sea abated. We run in for White Head. I was kind of get? ting over it a little. I could hardly stand. So some of them said to me, "The best thing you can do is go ashore. When you get on the land, you'll be okay." So I went ashore in the dory with a couple of them. I walked around the beach, and went into a little store, got something. God, I came out around, I felt better. I got over Your Sign of Quality DON'T ACCEPT LESS Let our experienced staff help you with all your printing needs SPECIALISTS IN PROCESS COLOR PRINTING 562-8245 Fax:(902)539-2040 539-8666 it. But boy, it's a terrible sickness--one of the worst sickness anyone ever had-- seasickness. Then we came out. And we run up here in the strait, across by Sand Point, that night. And we were going to come over here (Evans? ton, Cape Breton) in the dory in the morn? ing, home. I could see the houses. Walkers' houses, that I only left two weeks before. And lights flashing.. Next morning a little breeze of wind took us out. Took us away out. We run out off of Green Island, off the 3-mile limit. We couldn't fish inside the limit--an American schooner. We'd be caught. We struck a big school of mackerel. We filled the seine full. We had no power. There weren't too many vessels out of Glou? cester had power at that time. There were some, but we were one that had none. The mackerel all sunk in the seine, and we thought we we|:e going to lose her. Thank God there was a Lunenburg schooner--there was a little breeze of wind on--a Lunenburg schooner coming in the strait here for bait. He came up alongside of us, and he put 4 of his dories on our seine to keep us from sinking. And he stayed there till we got the mackerel bailed in onto the deck of the vessel. He was going to leave. Bissett told him, "Don't leave. Pull up 3 of our dories here." He said, "You're looking for bait, aren't you?" He said, "Yes." He said, "Pull up 3 of our dories here and fill them full." He gave him 3 doryloads of mackerel "-those big 16-foot dories. He didn't have to hardly buy any bait at all! JOIN THE GROWING FAMILY ... WELCOME TO MDUSTRULPUnC 1' office & warehouse space available • / railway & common user sidings available • / 2500' wharf-water depths 20' to 38' ' new all-weather highway access to Trans-Canada Highway ?/ year-round harbour access ?/ 250 acres of fully serviced land ?/ 350 additional acres for large scale development ?/ new incubator mall ?/ advantageous government assistance pro? grams (incl. Enterprise Cape Breton) • ' land & buildings available for lease or sale • / park is an international trade zone */ skilled stevedoring workforce SYDPORT SYDPORT has facilities for ocean? going ready for your custom development-lease or sale...and a strategic location. For information, contact: A. Mombourquette (Dh-ector of Operations) or /ObedRice (Manager, Sydport) SYDPORT Industrial Park p. O. BOX 154, Sydney, N. S. Canada B1P6H1 Telephone (902) 564-3636 Telex 019-35290 Fax 902-564-3612 A project of the Industrial Development Division of the Cape Breton Development Corporation Un projet de la Division du developpement industriel de la societe de developpement du Cap-Breton T
Cape Breton's Magazine