Page 78 - Part One of a Two-Part Story: We Worked for General Instruments
ISSUE : Issue 49
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1
(How long did you work there?) I was there for two years. And I left for about 8 months. I went out to Alberta--I had a sis? ter there who was sick--and I went out and looked after her little boy for her. And then I??came back, and I went right back to work there. And I worked there for 3 more years. So I put in 5 altogether. Bob Liebke Well, one thing I'll tell you right up front, and it's a fact--because I was an integral part of it. General Instruments left here not owing one cent to an employ? ee. They, let's say, gave a very adequate separation pay to all the employees. And there was no one in Nova Scotia or Canada or anywhere else, of their suppliers, that weren't paid full tilt for everything that they had received in that plant down here. And when they did leave--they left in 1974 --when they did leave, they paid their lease right up until the 10th year. Which is what their lease actually was laid out as, in the original agreement.... They paid their dues, I mean, right up until that point in time. (Why did they come to Cape Breton?) Well they came--just as now, there is an incen? tive, with a tax rebate--they came for that purpose. They were desirous of setting up a plant. And maybe they had so much produc? tion to make. And if they could make it here, they would get a real royalty back, because of the fact of the tax rebate. (Was that what Industrial Estates Limited was doing?) I.E.L. was certainly making the road very smooth, as far as bringing these people in was concerned. BOB LIEBKE CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE NOVA SCOTIA AGRICUITURE faming for the fl/ITI/IK'> ??''"' *v'.o' 7/~f/-1 r- '.f-r Mr 71T 'Jj;'jL' The agricultural industry in Nova Scotia employs over 7000 workers on 5000 farms and our food processing industry employs over 7500 people. This means that one out of every five Nova Scotians is working in some aspect of agriculture, an industry which is of vital importance to the local economy. Our farmers have kept pace in an ever- increasing competitive market. New technology, effective management skills, and a constant ear to the consumer have led to the vast array of top quality produce and livestock we enjoy today and will continue to be proud of in the future. Hats off to the agricultural industry. // you wish to obtain further information, contact your local agricultural office. Department of Agriculture and Marketing Honourable Roger S. Bacon, Minister Ralph Morehouse, Deputy Minister
Cape Breton's Magazine