Page 2 - Chandeleur, a Feast of the Candles
ISSUE : Issue 10
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/3/31
going."Well, you didn't want to refuse. Well anyway they took us up four collections during the night and between the two of us it amounted to 14 dollars and 40 cents. So it gave us 7 dollars and 20 cents for having played for about 19 hours you mi'ht as well say. There was no money at the time. But all the treats and the hospitality • you know, the friendship that reigned • look, you would have played for nothing. I mean, you saw that everybody was so satisfied. Because • let's take it from when the dance first opened • 3:00 • there were no teenagers there • all parents, fathers and mothers, elderlies • and the way it started off is with a French Four. There'd be two men and two women. It was a fast tune, and they would be around 60 years of age • and it was something pretty to look at, to see those two men and those two women working away. They'd step for a while standing one opposite the other • the four on the floor • then all of a sudden they'd start going around accompanying the music • and then they'd stop again and drive her again at stepping. You'd get the four best ones on the floor and look, everybody'd be looking at them. And to play for them was a pleasure, you enjoyed so much to see them dance • especially at that age. And the other one • they used to call them in French Une Huit • An Eight • something similar to the square sets they dance today but there's a difference. And the ones that could dance those Eights • they'd get almost the best there • four couples. Well, listen here. Boy, everybody did their part so well, and they were stepping away also. It was something beautiful to look at. They don't have anything today like that. No banquet to compare or wedding festivities to compare to what that had. This was a community spirit, a community festival • this thing. And everybody pitched in. Every? body wanted to make sure that it went over good. It's too bad, too bad, that it did come to an end. Marguerite Gallant: The festival of Chandeleur used to start before the second of February, because Lent would generally begin there. Not always, but when it did they'd make sure that Lent wasn't going to bother them • they had to plan their holi? days. For a week they wouldn't do anything else, they wouldn't go to the woods • generally they would be all through with chopping wood, hauling it and sawing it. They'd go fishing for smelts and they'd go hunting for seals • oh, it was great sport in the olden times. Now the people are too lazy. And now they have to be paid no matter what it is. They used to work work work like slaves for nothing. Now to work for nothing is no pleasure for anybody. They would work two or three for one man, two or three for another man, until all the work was done. Then, Chandeleur. Joe Delaney: The first thing you had to do you had to go and visit somebody if they'd be willing to give their house for the Chandeleur. By giving the house that didn't mean they were only going to use the kitchen and the front room' In St. Jo? seph du Moine alone there were 55 families and a lot of people home at that time.' When you gave your house for the population it was going to serve, well the upstairs Casittt Court 3Resitaurant and Minstrel Lounge FULLY LISCENCED 9 AM to 12 PM Cape Breton Shopping Plaza CAPE BBETONfe OWN FURNITUBE SHOWEOOMS Tables '"' Chairs Refrigerators Stereos Recliners Televisions ?*??'*? Washers Beds Carpets Sydney Gl • tceBay New Waterford Port Hastings Schwartz C??pe Breton*! M>ga??ine/2
Cape Breton's Magazine