Page 59 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
ISSUE : Issue 50
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1
One 47/62 Social Worker Visits Cape Breton, 1925, A 38/22 St. Ann's Day Mission, Chapel Island 40/31 Statement Halfway Through, A (Jerseymen & Acadians) 30/12 Steel Boom Comes to Sydney, 1899, The 39/33 Sydney Hartjour in the Second World War 13/27 Theory of the Vikings on Cape Breton, A 18/22 Tourist in Louisbourg, 1858, A 36/18 William Hanis~Architect of Broughton 46/21 Wreck Cove Hydro-Electric Investigation, The 9/1 Yvon LeBlanc, Architect, Fortress of Louisbourg 34/49 Speaker/Writer/ Interviewer Algar, Dave 15/13 Anson, C. M. (Clem) 28/43 Anstey, Capt. 6/21 Atkinson, Allan 31/47 Aucoin, Gerald E. 16/38 Bagnell, Charies 28/7, 29/23.41/ 56 Bailey, Martha 16/16,19/48 Ball, Marjorie Coombs MacGibbon 48/92 Ballah, Kieran 48/75 Banks, Dan 26/48, 31/42 Barrington, Mary 7/23, 7/24 Bartlett, Isabel 43/1 Beaton, Catherine 47/71 Beaton, Dan Angus 43/41, 45/39, 47/68, 50/83 Beaton, Donald 12/IFC Beaton, Elizabeth 15/IFC Beaton, Kevin 20/17 Beaton, Mary Ann 9/14 Bell, Alexander Graham 5/3,21/ BC, 32/45 Bennett, Roy 6/1, 13/33 Best, Mae 44/21 Best, Wilfred 44/20 Bethune, Dr. C. L. 42/25 Biard, Fr. 21/36, 50/93 Blue, Dougald 24/1 Blue, M. C. 14/IFC Bolles, Frank 8/22, 49/35 Borden, Scott 44/88 Boudreau, Alex John 32/1 Boudreau, Anselme 24/28 Boudreau, Lynda 40/31 Boudreau, Paul V. 9/30 Bourgeois, Vincent 1/9 Boutilier, Gary 50/63 Briand, Winston 28/39 Brown, Margaret 17/10, 25/18 Brown, Richard 35/31, 36/56 Buchanan, George 11/10,13/7 Buckley, Roald 25/49 Builey, Harry Albert 37/21 Builey, Margaret 37/26 Burchell, Roy 49/86, 50/2 Butke, Atoysius 46/44 Burns, Lois Samson 33/33, 39/55 Burrows, Samuel 26/19 Burton, Johnny 14/21 Burton, Rose 41/16 Cambridge, Georgia 37/1 Cameron, Austin 1/2 Cameron, Dan 41/20 Cameron, Finlay 12/IFC Cameron, Mary Belle 9/13 Cameron, Michael Chariie 14/9 Campbell, Alex L. 21/IFC Campbell, Dan 26/41 Campbell, Donald 32/32 Campbell, Duncan 11/15 Campbell, Emmerson 22/2 Campbell, G. G. 26/34 Campbell, Gussy 19/1 Campbell. Mateolm9/2l. 10/IFC Campbell. Rheta 24/9 Campbell. Rod 24/9 Campbell. Sadie 9/23 Carmichaei. Archie 16/47 Carmichaei. Gussy 20/1 Carmichaei. Harry 18/29 Carmfchael. Hattie 35/1 Carmtehael. Hector 7/15.15/1. 24/ 38 Cannichael, Nonnan 24/40 Carroll, Dave 26/11 Cautley,R.W. 43/17 Chandler, Wally 27/18 Chappell, M. R. 25/40 Chiasson. Capt. 6/21 Chiasson. Fr. Anselme 11/IFC. 25/ 26. 27/28. 29/29, 46/50 Chiasson. Gerard 14/4 Chiasson. Hyacinthe 9/BC. 46/52 Chiasson. J. J. 30/1 Chiasson, Lubie 23/IFC Chisholm. Archie Neil 42/67 Christmas, Ben 25/9 Church, Ambrose 50/78 Claener, Nicole 39/74 Clari<, Andrew Hill 21/29 Clari
Cape Breton's Magazine