Page 16 - Joe Allan MacLean: A Tale of the Round Drover
ISSUE : Issue 10
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/3/31
and looking at the dancer • and "By gosh," the drover says, "it's time for me to go." "Aw, no, you're not going till you beat that fellow step-dancing. And if you cannot do it you've got to stay here with us." The violin player was playing and he went on the floor dancing. And the boss told the drover, "Go and sit down, that's enough, there's no way to beat you. Get out." And when he came out on the road, by gosh an old man met him. And he didn't know where he was an he asked the old man, "What kind of a place was that I was in?" "Aw, I don't knowj" says the old man. "That place- nobody knows what kind of a people is living in it. It's years and years and years since I heard my grandfather talking about that too and I don't know yet what kind of a place it is." And the drover started • he was trying to get home. And this old man told him, "I'm pretty sure it's a hundred years since you went in there." "Ach, go away, it was only 20 minutes anyway." And then the drover looked at himself and he was all whiskers and grey, grey, and hair was down to his hips. And he was try? ing to get to his home • and he was walking and ivalking • didn't know diere he was or anything. And he got to where the house was and there was nothing left but pieces of the sills. And he made out that's where he was living and no woman and no boys • they were dead. But two hunters came aroxmd. They were thinking it was a wild animal with all the whiskers on him. And they shot him. And that's what happened to the poor Round Drover. Our thanks to Effie MacCorquodale and Merdina Stewart, Mabou. for their transcrip? tion from tape of the Gaelic, and to Dan MacNeil, Sydney, who sent us to Joe Allan, 'r??5Sf!ffl*.$;fl5f??5:> Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan April 1975 |Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE CAPE BRETON NOVA SCOTIA Collectors' Edition (Issues 1 thru 6 in One Book) • $3.75, Subscriptions from Issue Number 7 on; A 6-issue subscription • $4.50. SYDNEY SHIP SUPPLY Sydney and Port Hawkesbury INTEGRITY Being true to yourself - having Integrity means more than just not pretending to be someone else. It means being completely true to what is inside of you. To what you know is right. It means doing what you feel you must do regardless of the immediate cost or sacrifice. It means making decisions for yourself and your family, and your entire life based on what is proper, not on what is exped? ient. It means at all time to be honourable and to behave decently and given in a very practical sense it pays, for without integrity no person is complete and without it no book, no play, nothing writ- - ten, nothing done by man has any real value. At Our New Location Better Health Centre 364 Charlotte Street, Sydney Offers a Large Range of Health, Vegetarian, Special Diet & Diabetic Foods and Vitamins C.O.D.Orders Accepted/Bulk Rates OPEN MON-FRI PHONE:562-1237 Health is Happiness Capt Breton's Magazine/lt Moores' Electric CaUd. The Famous Zenith Chromaco].or TV is Sold and Serviced Here 67 Stanley St & Commercial St Phone 794-4707 Phone 794-3711 NORTH SYDNEY
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