Page 18 - MOOSE, A Cape Breton Extinction
ISSUE : Issue 10
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/3/31
ly mistaken. They made a circle around the place where it was, in order to get below the wind....Having discovered it, if they were not near enough they approached clo? ser until within arrow-shot, which is from 45 to 50 paces. Then they launched their blow against the beast, which rarely fell to a single arrow. (They would follow the track and give it another arrow.) If this did not make it drop, they had again to follow it, even to evening, when they camped near the beast, and in the morning went again to take up the track. The animal being sluggish in rising because of the blood it had lost, they gave it a third shot, and made it drop. But after having delivered the first two blows, they endeavoured to get in front cf it to malce it turn towards the camp, following it and making it approach till it fell dead from lack of strength. Often they work it up very close to the camp. They then broke off some branches to mark the place, in order to send their wives to find it." This was the way they hunted in the spring as well, except for certain tricks they used at the rutting-time. "At that time the huntir' was done at night upon the rivers in a ca? noe. Counterfeiting the cry of the female, the Indians with a dish of bark would take up some water, and let it fall into the water from a height. The noise brought the male, who thought it was the female making water....Those who were in the canoe would hear (the male) coming, because of the noise the beast made in the woods, and they kept on constantly imitating the cry of the female, which made him close up to them." After a gestation period of about 8 months (240-246 days), moose are generally born in the latter part of May or early Jime. The calf is helpless at birth • one observer reported a calf nursing for the first time while the cow v;as lying down • and thus the cow selects a secluded place for the birth, such as a small island or peninsula. "When born," writes Peterson in North American Moose, "the calves are light reddish brown in colour with a dark dorsal stripe; they have short hair, and lack the spot? ting found on wapiti and white-tailed deer....When a few days old, calves have a high-pitched cry which is almost human in quality." If humans come upon them early enoi'h, young moose will come near and be handled, and even try to follow. The cow Picnic Tables Well-water Ice Cubes Morrison's General Store WRECK COVE 1 32 Modern Units On the Cabot Trail at Ingonish Centre INGONISH MOTEL Swimming Pool Dining Room featuring Home-cooked Food (902) 285-2888 Cards for All Occasions The Card Shoppe Sydney Shopping Centre -'SSf'S' TROPICANA ''''' V' Restaurant 1 A & Lounge SYDNEY SHOPPING? MALL Prince Street, Sydney Restaurant Hours 11 AM - 10 PM Lounge Hours 11 AM - 1 AM TOP BANDS NIGHTLY ''m fo. )ean s' 1588 Barrington St,Halifax.N.S. P old-fashioned rolled oats herbs and spices blackstrap molasses |1[0 and more... write for pricelist J. W. Stephens Limited ?? UILDERS SUPPLIES HARDWARE AND PAINTS WOODWORKERS AND MILL WORK Phone the Lumber Number 564-5554 Sycli #y. fXoVdi Scotid' A member of the BOLD organization
Cape Breton's Magazine