Page 77 - A Visit With Gertie Boutilier Turnbull
ISSUE : Issue 50
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1
And then that afternoon he said to Albert, he said, "Bring the violin up," he said, "and the (auto)harp." Did they ever tell you? And he got my husband to play a hymn for him. And I played the harp. And put the harp on top of the bureau, and he played the violin. That afternoon. And he was so well, sitting up, propped up in the bed. I remember all those things.... you don't forget things. Although people say that, you don't forget--you forget now, (not) what you did years ago. I don't forget now, no more than I did years ago. I jiever forget anything like that now, so far. Thank God for that. I know lots of people say, "I forget sometimes where I put anything." But if I put anything away, [ won't have to look the second time for It--I know where it's at. I know where I put it; know what I do. But I suppose I ?ron't be always like that, will I? (Oh, 10, 20, 30 years from now, you proba- )ly won't!) Oh my God help me! Oh my God lelp me! 'nd then, the doctor says to keep my legs !o I won't get all stiffened up. When they lave the music there, I take hold of that :hair and I get out there and I drive her, loys, and I step her. Don't I, Gary? I itepdance, boy. I drive her, boys. Till :'m nearly going to fall [own. And I hold onto the hair. Then I come and it down. I say, "That's retty good, now, for an Id woman. That ought to ?? e good exercise for me." hether I'm getting nutty r not, I don't know. I on't know if it's doing e any good or not. I ike to do it. can go to the stores, nd I can go around and round and around, and I ever get tired. And the Oman that's with me, he's only in her 50s, he's saying, "Are you etting tired? Would you ike to sit down?" "No. I ant to see what's going n." I like to look at verything. I don't want to buy everything, or buy anything. I like to see what's going on in the world. I be? lieve that keeps your brains bright, don't you think? (Well, it certainly has worked for you....) Yeah. I like to see what's in the stores.... They had a party here last year (at the senior apartments)--Christmas--they gave them a supper and they entertained. And all they did was start playing the stereo, and everybody looking at one another. And the badness struck me. And they played some kind of Scotty's jigs and reels. I got up and I drove her, boys. I guess they thought because I was 94 that I was ready for the graveyard. Did I ever! Then they put on the waltzes, and we waltzed and.... They said I was the life of the party. And them--oh, 24 years younger than I am. I'm about the oldest. ... But I feel just as young as some of these that's in here. I could jump over the moon, alongside of them. I haven't got this pain and that pain here, and "My heart is bad, and my stomach." No!- I like lots of excitement, entertainment-- somebody coming in and playing the music. I'll get up and dance--"Come on and dance!" That's the way I like to live. Whether I'm getting nutty or not, I don't know. I don't think I am. =1r M INDUSTRIAL :ONSULTANTS • Market Research Services • Feasibility Studies • Strategic Business Plans • Industrial Engineering • Plant and Equipment Layout 'AACDONALD 30 Currie St. Glace Bay, N.S. B1A5E4 Bus.: 849-2188 Res.: 849-3378 .A.R. Bay Woodworking Custom Cabinets HEAVY WATER SITE 849-6858 GLACE BAY ASSOCIATES
Cape Breton's Magazine