Page 81 - A.F. Church and His County Maps
ISSUE : Issue 50
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1
had been completed. Church and his asso? ciates then had in course of publication a map of Yamrwuth County, which they hoped to issue during that season. Church pointed out that he and his associates had incurred large expenditures on the encour? agement held out to him by the legislature and the government of Nova Scotia that fi? nancial aid would be continued. He applied for a continuation of that assistance at the same rate of $1,000 per county for the map of the County of Yamrouth and of other counties to be published thereafter. Yarmouth and Digny Counties Maps of Yarmouth and Digby Counties were either completed or in course of pub? lication when a committee of the House of Assembly took into consideration A. F. Church's petition in 1870. The members of that committee reported that Mr. Church had, in their opinion, performed the work well, so far as it was finished, and that it was very desirable that maps of the remaining counties should be published. This time, however, the committee recommended that the government should pay, not $1,000. but $600. upon his publishing and completing to the satisfaction of the government a map of each county not already published, and delivering to the government 25 cop? ies of it. Early in 1871 Church again petitioned to be remunerated for services per? formed in preparing maps of the counties of Digby and Yarmouth, and the committee of the House, to which this petition was referred, declared, on February 16,1871, that in reporting in 1870 in favour of granting Mr. Church the sum of $600 for maps of each county, not then published, they did not consider themselves called upon to re? port respecting the counties of Digby and Yannouth, "as they considered that any ar? rangement entered into with Mr. Church by a former House of Assembly or govern? ment should not be interfered with by them, and they therefore reported only in reference to work not then undertaken by Mr. Church." After considering the claim of Church for maps furnished by him of the counties of Digby and Yarmouth, this com? mittee in 1871 recommended that the sum of one thousand dollars be paid Mr. Church in full of his claim for publishing and furnishing maps of those two counties. The Topographical Township maps of Digby County and Yarmouth County, on a scale of 1 mile to 1 inch, and 54 1/2 inches by 54 inches and 55 inches by 54 inches respectively, were made from actual surveys drawn and engraved under the direction of H. F. Walling and published by A. F. Church & Co. of Halifax. The one of Digby County included plans of Saulnier Village, Freeport, Digby Town, Sandy Cove, West- port, Weymouth Village, Meteghan Village and Bear River Village. The other of Yar? mouth County contained plans of Hebron Village, Maitland Village, Tusket Village, Yarnnouth Town, and Arcadia Village. Between 1871 and 1887, similar maps of the remaining counties of Nova Scotia were produced from actual surveys made, drawn and engraved under the direction of A. F. Church, and published by A. F. Church and Co., of Halifax, and later (after 1873) of Bedford, Halifax County. Each map included plans of the principal townships as well as directories of settlements and an inset containing a map of Nova Scotia and adja? cent provinces.... For the map of Hants County, A. F. Church & Co. received a grant of $600. from the Government of Nova Scotia, and 25 copies of it were delivered to the Government. For the map of Kings County, the grant was $584, and for those of Cumberland and Colchester counties, $600. each. In the years of 1875-1877 the Government made grants of money on account of the maps for the remaining ten counties, but the maps of five of those counties still remained uncompleted in 1879 and the last one. Queens County was not published until 1888. Thus it was finally, that a fine series of Topographical Township Maps of the counties of Nova Scotia was published during the years 1865-1888.... Financiai Negotiations Time and time again Church petitioned for a continuation or a resumption of financial aid at the rate of $1,000 per county which had been granted for the first two maps of Halifax and Pictou Counties. "A portion of this subsidy being withheld," Church stated n 1879, "he, with the limited amount of funds at his command, could only make such slow progress as precluded all possibility of its proving remunerative." rhis slow progress provoked questions and comments from members of the legisla- ure for those counties whose maps were among the last to appear. In 1879, at a time when the maps of six counties-Shelburne, Lunenburg, Inverness, Richmond, Victoria md Queens-still remained to be completed, a committee of the House of Assembly )f Nova Scotia reported that the government had up to that date paid Mr. Church 53,484 in excess of the sum to which he was entitled. It recommended that the gov? ernment take immediate steps "to secure the com? pletion of the contract." Eventually, on March 31, 1883, the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council consid? ered a memorial from A. F. Church & Co. and or? dered "That a subsidy of four thousand dollars be al? lowed them for the completion of the maps of the Counties of Lunenburg, Queens, Inverness, Rich? mond, and Victoria. Being $800 for each County. Said amount of $800 to be paid to them on comple? tion of each map, subject to the approval of the Gov- ernor-in-Countil, the delivery of 25 copies thereof at the office of the Provincial Secretary, and on evi? dence being given that a sufficient number of said $tui$$ Chalet chjcken-i-ribs DINNERS * Quarter Chicken Dinner * Half Chicken Dinner * Half Rib Dinner * Barbecue Full Rib Dinner * Chicken and Rib Dinner Hot Chicken Sandwich Chicken Salad Bowl * All dinners include a choice of French Fries or baked potato, a toasted roll and Chalet Sauce. Fresh salads and selection of tasty desserts. All restaurants licensed. Free Delivery is available for take-out orders of 20 or more dinners with 24 hour notice at some Swiss Chalet locations. Other restrictions may apply. Please call ahead. HOURS 11 A.M. to 11 P.IVI. Sunday to Thursday 11 A.IVI. to 12 P.M. Saturday and Sunday GRAND LAKE ROAD 562-3232 81
Cape Breton's Magazine