Page 98 - From Ruth Whitehead's Micmac Album
ISSUE : Issue 50
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1
had left a parcel in Peter Macdonald's store, and asked if they would hold over the boat a minute or so for him. He was only a few feet distant, however, when the lines were cast off, and the dejected Indian was com? pelled to make the thirty-four miles on foot or drive. Not being possessed of the necessary team he secured his parcel and started for Baddeck. When the Marion, and she was a much faster boat then than she is today, reached Baddeck, Peter Ton? ey took the lines from the astonished members of the craft. He had beaten out the Marion by a good twenty min? utes, was thoroughly rested and as happy as a lark to dis? cover he had outraced the then queen of the lakes. No wonder, then, that Ste? phen Toney could drop a Hun sniper at a distance of one thousand yards, spotting the latter without even the aid of a glass, and during a short campaign account for nearly one hundred German snipers, and come home practically unscathed, decorated with the highest honors a soldier can possibly win on the field of battle. Echo. Halifax. 18 November 1918. Sources: Mary Doucet Newell's stories were told to folklorist Elsie Clews Parsons; they were published in the Journal of American Folk? lore in 1925. Richard Strong and Charles Leigh are from Richard Brown's History of the Island of Cape Breton. 1869. Marc Lescarbot Micmac tuners ' ' _ .. j bv Dr. Helen Creighton. who was driving down the road when she noticed the Micmac gathering, which proved to be a funeral. She was given permission to record a number of hvmns. Left to right: Chief William Paul. Shubenacadie: Chief Ben Christmas. Eskasoni. and two men we hppg pgr rgadgrs will bg 9b??g tO identify fpr gg. is from his book Nova Francia. 1609. Pere Biard is from the Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, ed. R. G. Thwaites. Pere Maillard wrote Memorial of the Motives of the Savages, called Mickmakis and Maricheets.... 1758. Haliburton: An l-listorical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. 1829. Rev. Fr. V. de Paul is in Rev. Luke Schrepfer, O.S.A., Pioneer Monks in Nova Scotia. The 1850 letter is in LANS! 1851, Appendix 64:234. Uniacke's Sketches of Caoe Breton and Oth? er Papers Relating to Cape Breton Island, ed. C. Brude Fergusson, Pro vincial Archivist, 1958. Our thanks to Ruth Holmes Whitehead for providing this selection from her work-in-progress. She is staff ethnologist and assistant curator in his? tory at the Nova Scotia Museum. Her most recent publication is an excellent re-telling of Micmac legends called Stories from the Six Worlds. This book is more than another version of the tales. Ms. Whitehead's continuing relationship with Micmac people, and her search for material evi? dence of their lives, has informed this particular telling. The book itself is illustrated with bold creative application of Micmac motifs by Kathy Kaul- bach. We highly recommend this lovely book. It is published by Nimbus Publishing Company, P. O. Box 9301, Stn. A, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5N5. FAMILY DINING W SHOOTERS LOUNGE RESTAURANT OPEN till 11 P.M. LOUNGE OPEN till 2 A.M. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Old-Fashioned Ceilidh Every Saturday at 2 P.M.! CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA • SYDNEY RIVER Suppliers of Commercial Recreational Fencing 0. Box 98. King St., North Sydney, N. S. B2A 3H1 794-4773 nncEL 'Sttfifiiii "Have our auger truck dig your holes." Ncrth SydneyMall - With Over 25 Shops and Services - starcade Peoples Store Schwartz Direct Film Guys & Gals Pipes & Things Jean Gallery Carlton Cards 794-8274 794-4900 794-3567 794-3440 794-4409 794-8305 794-8244 794-7151 Workout Fashions 794-4997 Super Touch T's 794-8330 Household Finance 794-4735 Nova Scotia Liquor Commission 794-4917 Co-operators Insurance 794-4788 Employment Centre 564-3510 Shoppers Drug Mart 794-7211 Cape Breton Video 794-7783 Sherry's Treats & Beverages Chantelle's Dining Room & Lounge Agnew Alteens Zellers Sears Sobeys Maher Sports Den 794-8245 794-3429 794-3513 794-7206 794-3610 794-8088 794-3963 794-8810 116 King St., North Sydney, N. S. B2A 3R7 Phone: (902)794-4703 or 794-4704 98
Cape Breton's Magazine