Page 29 - Donald John MacMullin with Malcolm Campbell
ISSUE : Issue 10
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/3/31
Donald John and Malcolm CONTINUED FROM INSIDE FRONT COVER you don't hear anything until he gets the next one • there's this interval in-be? tween. Because your traces are fastened to the shafts itself and your sled moves- there 's no whippletree.... Donald John: Well I was up to Neil Hughie's. There was commotion in the air I think anyhow. And Neil asked me. What's the meaning of seeing a white light with a man, around a man? I said, "Well, now, Neil, I don't know. I never saw that. But I always heard that the white light is not bad. But if it was a really red light and seeing where you shouldn't, it's supposed to be tragic, a bad light." But Neil got sick now. And nobody paid very much attention to him. He wasn't well and we started the bridge out there. But Mary told me when I came home • "I'm going to see how Neil is." And it was cloudy, getting rainy and so forth. And when she got back she said, "Mike wants you to go out tonight, he figures his father is worse." And it started to rain. So I put on my sheepskin coat. And mama was always, "Where are you going?" "Well, Neil is not well." "Well, have you got the holy water? Have you got in your pocket the holy candle?" I had more than the fellow would belifeve. This side of the house I took the coat off, give it a good shake. Put it on again and went in. Some? one came to me: "Daddy's taken a turn." And I got the holy candle and put the light to it and walked down the hall, and I could see that Neil had the pallor of death. You're on your last. So I took his hand and just turned him over, and he was dead. Well that's what he saw himself. He saw the white light, the candle light that I had down to see him, around him, come out of my coat pocket. But how is it that so many at that time could see it, and not too many see it now? Unless religion is get? ting too strong or something. That it's kind of blurring you to it. We have more preachers and more churches and it seems to me that they're dampening those things out. Could be that. Malcolm: There's too many other things going on. They could see them and they don't notice them. I never saw anything except lights myself but I heard noises and stuff in connection with the dead. But I often wondered, now, when Mary Hayes died. The hearse started out the road here and then stuck. And I came out there and put the Bessie:I wonder if George has sugar. Nina:Yes. George has everything but a conscience. GEORGE'S DAIRY . BADDECK RHYMES Flowers &Gif; ts Ltd. 274 Charlotte St., Sydney Phone: 539-1214 Rhymes Plaza Florist Cape Breton Shopping Centre Sydney River Phone: 564-8411 DONUT QUEEN Sydney River Shopping Plaza Qualified Dispensers Alvi'ays in Attendance OWL DRUG STORE D* I* MacDonald, Prop. Your Northside DOROTHY GRAY DISTRIBUTOR Convalescent and Sick Room Supplies Sales & Rental Drug Sundries and Cosmetics P.O.Box 125 794-3611 North Sydney ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE CHICKEN CHALET jrid 4 outlets to serve you- Bloweis SI, North Sydney Sydney Shopping Centre, Prince SL Sterling Road, Glace Bay CB. Shopping Plaza, Sydney River 794-3534 564-6322 849-6689 564-6646
Cape Breton's Magazine