Page 20 - A Visit with Max Basque, Whycocomagh
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1
school, supplying wood for the school. And for a couple old people.... And my mother came home in March from Maine, had been visiting Maine all winter. She was a very religious woman. Well, my folks were both very religious people. I sure never took after them there. Paul says I read too much! But, my mother, on a trip was to see her mother, and, I suppose, to try to convince her to come back--my grand? father was still well. I guess--she was telling my father, "I told Mum that Dad hardly ever drinks." That's why they separ? ated. He drank too much when they were building that railroad, the double-line railroad from Windsor Junction to Halifax. But, my mother came back from Maine. And not too long after, got the message. My Uncle Richard Sack was still living in Shubenacadie, away down the intervale. And he came up with the news that my grand? mother died in Maine. And talk about ghost stories, that's altogether different. But Leather Works by John 0. Roberts Historic Reproductions Creative Handcrafts * MORE THAN LEATHER * INDIAN BROOK Open Dally 9 - 5 CAPE BRETON ISLAND BOC 1 HO J"'y ' " October 9 Between Baddeck & Ingonish o"" 'Y appointment On the Cabot Trail (902) 929-2414 through the night, somebody came knocking at the window. And I remember in the morn? ing- -us boys slept upstairs. Mother and Dad slept downstairs. And they were say? ing. Mum was worried all day, said, "There's something wrong with my mother." Because, my father went--it was a little while after April Fool's Day--my father was saying, "Tell any of the others that might come in," he said. "A cat's rapping came at the window, and I thought, first thing I said, 'Some April Fool character is playing tricks quite late.'" So he put on his rubber boots and went around. Not a sign of anybody. And then in the morning there were no tracks of any kind. That's when my mother said, "There's something wrong with Mum." And first thing, my Uncle Richard Sack was come walking up. And my mother started crying even before--as soon as she saw Richard coming walking up. She said, "I know it was something about Mum." And Uncle Richard came in. And all he said was, "Mum is dead," passed the telegram over to Mum. And both of them crying. And they brought the remains home. And the two girls--I call them girls--Aunt Libbie and Aunt Sarah--they were in their early 20's. She's buried in Shubenacadie. And Mum was saying, telling Dad before, "I think Mum is coming home, because I con? vinced her that my father sobered up, and he hardly ever drinks. She said she was coming home." But, instead of that, they brought her remains home. And it wasn't long after that, my little sister was born. Well, I Accidents Shatter Lives! Take Time for Crosswalk Safety >c Department of Transportation and Communications Honourable George C. Moody guess--well, I've heard them say she was born a little early, on account of that shock and all that to Mum--born a month or two early. But, poor little girl only lived to be a little over a year. One year and 13 days. Annie. Named after her grandmother (Anne Cope Sack). So, we stayed. In 1922 we came back to Millview. And my father was working--he worked for quite awhile in the mill. And then after that it was (another) job. We brought our little old EXCELLENT DINING INDOOR OR PATIO D.J. 6 Nights a Week Live Matinee Every Saturday 458 CHARLOTTE STREET DOWNTOWN SYDNEY
Cape Breton's Magazine