Page 22 - A Visit with Max Basque, Whycocomagh
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1
ning from Whycocomagh to Sydney. I think his first boat was the old May Queen. That's one that burnt in Baddeck. I saw pictures in a Cape Breton's Magazine. And I don't know if he was ever on the Marion or not. But he stayed on that boat till he became a first mate. But he lived in Why? cocomagh, and he farmed in the other times. And that's when he planted some of the apple trees. (Did not many Indians farm?) No. No, but at that time, I guess pretty near every? body had a cow or two, all around. Some? thing like Shubenacadie, all the old farms. There was the old Charles farm, and (John) Williams, and Maloneys and Paul, and MacDonald, Jadis. Oh, they're all grown up now, same as Whycocomagh. The few that could, they cleared enough land to have 2 or 3 cows, anyway. I guess at that time you pretty near had to plant--grow turnips and carrots, grow your vegetables and potatoes. But now I don't believe there's a farmer at all, period, among the Indians now. (Ruth Whitehead: What was your father's mother's name?) Mary. She was English. My ro MANAGED AND CONTROLLED BY NOVA SCOTIANS • Locally owned ... our primary inter? est is in the people of Nova Scotia. Our ability to adjust quickly to chang? ing conditions, to better serve Nova Scotians, is a major advantage. • Strong management leadership com? bined with a Board of Directors from across the province keep us current with the financial needs of all Nova Scotians. • Experienced staff and local Board of Directors, representing every area of the province, allows us to be better equipped to meet YOUR financial needs. League Savings & Mortgage 235 Charlotte St., Sydney, N.S. 81P6H7 Phone: 539-8222 "UJLt Shcuzt 'Jjw/t QaaJM' father said, as far as he knows, her name was Barrington. Born in some bigshot fami? ly in Sydney. And born to a girl, unmar? ried daughter of this bigshot family, and didn't want to let anybody know that their favourite daughter went wrong. So they kept it a secret. And they took it to Why? cocomagh, this baby. Of course, Whycoco? magh was out of the way. They said, "We'll give it to the Indians, let the Indians look after it." They brought it to the In? dian people, left it with some woman-- that'll be Great-Grandmother. And said, "We'll come after this little girl." But never did come after it. She grew up among the Indians. And she could talk better In? dian, and very little English. Her name was Mary Barrington, and then married a Basque. And Basque was only part Indian. So that made my father less than half In? dian, was only one-quarter Indian. Had a red beard and black hair, red moustache. (And he worked on a squarerigger.) Yes.... (Ruth Whitehead: Benjamin Basque's father was named Louis, and his father was named Francis. Can you tell us the stories that you told me about Francis.) Yes, this Francis. I'm not sure he's the man--I'm pretty sure he's the one. He was a Basque --Basque fisherman. But married an Indian girl in St. Peters and went native. He lived amongst the Indians. I guess he was really a strong Catholic. And him and (an? other fellow)--not very likely he was an Indian. But they built the first church in . LOCAL PRODUCE • • GARDENING NEEDS • Kings Road 562-4646 Grand Lake Road 564-6255 For All Your Planting Needs Superior Service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Automatic Delivery: every 12 or 16 weeks Marketing a Complete Line of Propane Burning Appliances Superior Propane Off Hwy. #305, Leitches Creek, Sydney 539-1060
Cape Breton's Magazine