Page 38 - "It is Wrong, Wrong to Dance"?? An Introduction to Cheticamp-Area Dance Prohibition with Folklorist Barbara LeBlanc
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1
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River Bourgeois (535-3101) iTHE CREDIT UNION , ' BELONGS TO YOU AND ME And then I've also included (as tradition? al dance)--I don't know if people would agree with this--what they call their square set, or in French le set carr4, that they do in Cheticamp. And they still do perform that today, in their evenings of dance. But not as much as they would have had perhaps in the middle of the cen? tury. And I think there's--from what we could understand in speaking with people, there'd been a kind of decline, where it had almost faded out totally, where walt? zes had taken over, and that kind of round dancing that looks like a one-step and a two-step. So, to me, those are the three types of traditional dance that I have seen. (The square set would have callers.) Yes. And the callers call in English. Which might seem strange since it's a French community. But to my knowledge, and to the knowledge of people that I've spoken with, it has never been called in French. And also in Quebec, often, the callers will call in English, not in French. (The other dances that we've just spoken of, though--"Le Huit," "The Long Potato"-- and the others that you yourself found-- the rounds....) Well, les rondes. (Do these all have calls as well?) No. The three that you mentioned, "Le Reel k Qua? tre," "Le Reel k Huit," and "La Patate Longue," were not dances that were called. Although their actual configuration looks very much--two of them look very much like quadrilles, and one of them is a proper dance, longways. So they look like dances you could see danced today, for example, that would be maybe called square sets or contras. But they don't have calls, and they were never called. So that means that the people knew them well enough to be able, from memory, to perform them. Now I'm telling you this from information gathered. Perhaps they did and no one re? members. But from the information that I was given, they were never called. * QUALITY SAME-DAY DRY CLEANING * 6 DAYS A WEEK * Vogue Cleaners Wedding Gown Cleaning & Heiriooming a Specialty GLA(;E BAY - Your Sign of Quality DON'T ACCEPT LESS Let our experienced staff help you with all your printing needs SPECIALISTS IN PROCESS COLOR PRINTING 180 Townsend St.. Sydney 564-8245 Fax: (902) 539-2040 539-8666 38
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