Page 54 - Crusing Cape Breton, 1878 & 1884
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1
turning within their own lengths, could be worked without going ashore. One of them here ran her nose into a mud-bank, on which we also touched, and so firmly that she lay there several days. 1884: We now entered on a very enjoyable and interesting part of the Bras d'Or, suggesting by its features the Thousand Isles. It is thronged with little islands, and the shores are deeply indented with fairy-like coves. The channel is very tortuous, requiring many short tacks and the greatest circumspection to avoid getting aground. The farm-houses were scarce, and sometimes we seemed to be in a prim? eval solitude. There was an abundance of water-fowl, and the gray eagle could be seen soaring far up in the azure above. The air was soft and balmy, and the temperature ranged at sixty-five. The wind was dying out, and it soon became evident that we should be unable to pass the canal at St. Peter's that day, as we had hoped. But there were compensations in the delay. We anchored between two lovely islands, and went on shore to forage and "view the landscape o'er." Stopping at the farm-houses, we found the people courteous and ready for a chat, and we decided that one might find less agreeable ways of passing an August afternoon. At sundown some of our party took the boat and tried a few shots at the ducks, which abounded, but with rather indifferent success; our boat was not suited to such sport. But there is no question that, with the right apparatus, a good sportsman could bag many a fine bird in the Bras d'Or. The abun? dance of animal life in the woods was vividly impressed on us at sun? rise. The placidity of the scene was phenomenal; the smoke arose in spiral columns from the farm-houses, the cattle bells tinkled in the meadows; and, in every grove and thicket about us, we heard or saw plover, yellow-hammers, and squirrels. Indians were also on the shal? lows in canoes spearing eels. One of them came alongside and I begged for a cmst of bread. He was a mis- $uii$$didlet chicken+ribs DINNERS * Quarter Chicken Dinner * Half Chicken Dinner * Half Rib Dinner * Barbecue Full Rib Dinner * Chicken and Rib Dinner Hot Chicken Sandwich Chicken Salad Bowl * All dinners include a choice of French Fries or baked potato, a toasted roll and Chalet Sauce. Fresh salads and selection of tasty desserts. All restaurants licensed. Free Delivery is available for take-out orders of 20 or morel jdinners with 24 hour notice at some Swiss Chalet locations.| Other restrictions may apply. Hease call ahead. HOURS 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sunday to Thursday 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. Saturday and Sunday GRAND LAKE ROAD 562-3232 erable, sickly, blear-eyed being, the very last dregs of a race that has run out. A Highlander also visited us, with a lamb killed that morning in the hope of supplying some passing schooner. We bought it for five cents a pound, and found it sweet and tender. The wind and tide favoring, we now sailed up to St. Peter's, at the extreme end of the Bras d'Or. This canal is of great advantage to coasters, especially during the autumn. Of course, there is no navigation here during the winter and spring, owing to the ice. Eleven hundred vessels pass through this canal annually. Our crew towed the Alice May to the lock, and at dinner-time we were once more afloat on the waters of Emplovers Are Educators. Too! At U.C.C.B. Co-operative Education WORKS And it works for you: It works for students p'rF' As a Co-op employer, you will benefit from: • Reduced Hiring Risks • Re? duced Recruitment and Training Costs • Higher Em? ployee Retention • Students Available on a Year-Round Basis • Better Utilization of Personnel • You will work with U.C.C.B. to develop a highly trained work force, keeping our Technology Programs rele? vant to YOUR needs. Information & possible funding: Co-operative Education Department University College of Cape Breton P. O. Box 5300 Sydney, Nova Scotia BIP 6L7 (902) 539-5300 ext. 129/374 Co-op Programs include: Business Engineering Technology ??Data Processing • Management • Marketing • Accounting • Para-Legal Technology • Environmental • Chemical • Mechanical • Mineral Industry & Education Working Together
Cape Breton's Magazine