Page 60 - C.B. Resources and Industries, 1816 A Sketch of Memorandums on the Local and Natural Advantages of the Island of Cape Breton
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1
C. B. Resources and Industries, 1816 A sketch of memorandums on the local and natural advantages of the Island of Cape Breton There are two rivers within these lakes (the Bras d'Or Lakes), the Shennacadia and the Bennacadia which take their rise in the eastern range of mountains which surround the lake and abound with salmon in such a degree as passes almost belief. At>out four leagues to the southward of the Great Entrance is the Little Entrance, these two channels bound the island of Boularderie. This entrance is barred having only 9 feet water at low tide but when over this bar, depth of water for any vessel. Near this entrance at Point Iconia are remarka? ble fine veins of coal and within the lakes are all the species of gyp? sum in immense abundance. From hence to the north headland of Spanish Bay is three leagues. Trade In the government of Cape Breton there are existing 217 registered vessels all built in the island and measuring 7510 tons and employ 713 seamen. Until the war of 1793 all the vessels in the island were employed in the fishery. The markets became then precarious and supplies exorbitant induced the owners to become coal carriers which they have in a great measure continued to the present time making a freight to Halifax and Newfoundland of seldom less than 20/ a Chaldron. The buiWing of vessels is generally done during the winter. The construction of the vessels built in the Island and their sailing are esteemed preferable to any in America. They will not com- pleat at Hull fin EnalandVfor less than four Pounds a Ton. The tim? bers used in building are yellow birch, black birch, maple and black spruce, of all which the Island affords an inexhaustible supply. The whole Island is surrounded with fishing banks, and often great voyages are made in the bays and within the headlands of rivers. A vessel with four hands in general kills about 400 Quintals of dry fish in the season. These are cured by the wife and children of the owner. The merchant receives them about the last week in September at a price, too generally fixt by himself. This alludes only to cod fish.-The herring & mackarel fishery continue only about 14 days. The first takes place in May, the other in August, both kinds are extremely plen? ty, some years they fail. The Salmon fishery, which might be pursued to any extent, has not been attempted to any degree so as to draw a fair conclusion of its importance. The finest eels in the worid and any quantity may be taken. The rivers & lakes abound with them. Oil has not yet become an important article in trade; the best is made from the liver of the dog-fish. This fish comes upon the coast in the month of September in great numbers.-Seal Oil might also be obtained to any amount in the month of March. Some years all the Bays round the Is? land are filled [with them], but the catching them is attended with much danger and many vessels and lives have been lost, by the fields of ice dividing when the men are employed in killing this animal. A SUMMER FESTIVAL OF MUSICAL THEATRE Season '89 includes: I Annie, main stage musical - The Savoy Theatre A Nunsense, main stage musical - U.C.C.B. - The Playhouse P A Sondheim Evening, main stage musical - U.C.C.B. - The Playhouse 1 Country Cabaret, country & western music at its best - The Third Stage Nova Scotia Songbook, The Festival's signature show - Miners' Museum'] White Bucks and Saddle Shoes, a 50's cabaret - Third Stage Glace Bay, Nova Scotia 902-849-9333 Coal is the great article of exportation: from 7 to 8000 Tons are annu? ally shipped to Halifax in Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. They are put on Shipboard at 18/ a Chaldron and the average price at Halifax 37/6 and at Newfoundland 45/. Minerals Plaister of Paris is in immence quantities and a few loads have been carried to the United States where it is found to be a most excellent manure for the Southern Wheat Lands. Black Cattle, and fresh Butter are becoming Articles of considerable exportation chiefly to St. Johns' Newfoundland. Lumber has not yet been procured sufficient for the Islands internal Consumption. There are as fine timber of the best kinds as any in importance. Every where in the Island, there are fine streams of water for saw-mills.... Gypsum is the greatest abundance. The Blocks are sufficiently large to be cut in any fomri that can be moved. It is poris (porous) but not transparent. There are two kinds: soft and hard. The hard is of the al? abaster kind-some variagated~but nrastly a pure white. They make a strong effervescents with acids. Stones-free stone-fire stone-and a good whet stone with many oth? er classes of the Aronata Limestone abounds every where in the Island. Slate-a very fine blue Slate lately discovered near the sea shore to the northward of Cape Fumee (Smokey). in very large slabs. Black Lead, its quality and class not yet ascertained. Iron ores, of several degrees. The Bog and Mountain ores are in great abundance. A small quantity of bog ore was fluxed and pro? duced fine iron in the ratio of 63 to 100, it lays in its natural state sur? rounded by a strata of red ochre. Coal, extends almost the whole breadth of the Island, commencing on the western shore of Caw Bay (Cow Bay, later Port Morien) about 16 miles East of Sydney River-running in nearly a S.W. course to the Western shore of the Island at Maboo. The strata runs from 4 ft. 8 in. to 6 feet and dips to the N.E. in a proportion of one foot in eight or nine. The Mines at present in working lay on the N.W. shore of Prince William Henry Sound about 8 Miles North of Sydney Town, they have not been yet wori
Cape Breton's Magazine