Page 91 - Glace Bay Cinderella Miners
ISSUE : Issue 51
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1
Manning Mclntyre (When you look back at that year, once you took over as coach, what stands out for you as perhaps the biggest thrill for you?) Oh, I would think that the last game in Sydney had to be the--you know, the game in Sydney when Sydney tied it up. And I remember, you know, it was a close game for the whole 60 minutes. Twenty-one seconds--I can still remember it--it was twenty-some seconds--Sydney comes in and they score. It's 2- 2. We go into the dressing room, because you get a 5-minute or 10-minute rest period between the.... Today they go right into overtime, and whoever scores the first goal, it's all over. Sud? den-death overtime. They didn't have it then. You played a 10- ., :% minute overtime. If somebody didn't score in the 10 minutes, then it'd go down as a tie game or, in some instances, they would play another 10 minutes. But they would play the whole 10 minutes. That's how come (in that) game we won 4-2. But anyway, there were a couple of things. That night, and that game, they tore the doors down on the Sydney rink. Because the rink was full and they couldn't get any more people in it. So they closed the doors. But when they closed the doors, the fans that were outside were clamouring so Bay Natural Foods c " HOME ' Tor Your Health's Sake Buy Natural Foods' Great Selection of Vitamins and Minerals . Beer- and Wine-Making Supplies BAKING J Bulk Herbs and Spices by the Ounce or Pound C. O. D. Orders Accepted by Mail or Phone Glace Bay 35 Commercial Street 849-4387 Sydney Across from K-Mart, toward Schwartz 539-6767 THE HARVEST BIN 222 Charlotte St., Sydney 564-8461 "Welcome to your home azuay from home These signs invite you to conne make new friends and experience a unique way to enjoy Cape Breton's famed hospitality. For more information, drop in at any Cape Breton Tourist Bureau or write to P.O. Box 1750, Sydney, N.S. B1P6T7 1-800-565-9464 Attention: Ray Peters Cape Breujn much, they tore the doors down in the rink. Now where they got, or how, what they saw, I don't know. But anyway, they tore the doors down. But one of the guys that was on the outside was Murray Mathe? son. Murray Matheson wasn't in the rink. At 20 minutes to 8--the game is starting at 8 o'clock--Murray Matheson's not there. Then we find out he couldn't get in the rink, for what was going on. He got in with about 15 minutes, 10 minutes to go.... But anyway, when they scored with the 21 seconds to go. I remember going in the dressing room--and another reason why I felt it was all over--Murray Matheson-- well, I mean, he was a 20-year-old kid then, or 19, whatever it was--crying like a baby. You know, because they had tied it up. And I suppose thinking, "This is the end of it, we're finished,and it's my fault, and...." Which it wasn't his fault. But anyway, I suppose that's what his feeling was. And it took me awhile to try to, first, calm him down, and then get the other guys to.... I guess, in the end, it sort of worked out well, because I think that the other fel? lows said that, "Well, if that's the way he feels, we'll tear our hearts out to win for him. Because, look, here he is crying, and 'ienvenue chez nous! BUDDENS CABINETS CUSTOM KITCHEN CABINETS Aux etabiissements arborant ces enseignes, vous trouverez des hotes chaieureux qui vous feront decouvrir i'hospitalite Iegendaire du Cap-Breton. Pour plus de renseignements, adressez-vous d n'importe que! bureau d'information touristique du Cap-Breton ou ecrivez d M. Ray Peters, C.P. 1750, Sydney (N.E) B1P6T7 1-800--565-9464 Un projet de la Societe d expansion du Cap-Breton Free Estimates 849-2236 G LACE BAY, N. S. 849-1233
Cape Breton's Magazine