Page 20 - Frank Murphy and the Open Hearth
ISSUE : Issue 52
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/8/1
The Credit Union EMfference. I>iscover It FQr'biirsdf. Today. When you join the Credit Union, you become a member-shareholder, not just a customer. That means you can have an equal say, an equal share in how things are done. You can be sure that the decisions the credit union makes are made right at home. Another Credit Union difference is that we're always looking for new, innovative ways to improve our services for you. And by operating close to home and listening to you, we're able to offer you flexible financial services based on your needs. Something else comes with being a Credit Union member ~ peace of mind through security. With financial safeguards built in, the Credit Union is a safe, sure place to save. Best of all, as a Credit Union member you can expect a good return on your savings and a fair rate of interest when you borrow. The Credit Union Difference. Discover it for yourself. Today. NEW WATERFORD CREDIT UNION LTD. Piummer Ave,, New Waterford (862-6453) NORTHEAST MARGAREE CREDIT UNION LTD. Margaree Centre (248-2401) DOMINION CREDIT UNION LTD. 24 Commercial St., Dominion (849-8648) NORTH SYDNEY CREDIT UNION LTD. 210 Commercial St., North Sydney (794-2535) PRINCESS CREDIT UNION LTD. 154 Main St., Sydney Mines (736-9204) PORT HAWKESBURY CREDIT UNION LTD. Reynolds St., Port Hawkesbury (625-0190) ELECTRIC EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LTD. P. 0. Box 610, Sydney (564-5457) NORTH ISLE MADAME CREDIT UNION LTD. D'Escousse (226-2722) GLACE BAY CENTRAL CREDIT UNION LTD. 57 Main St., Glace Bay (849-7512) BAY ST. LAWRENCE CREDIT UNION LTD. St. Margarets Village (383-2293) SYDNEY CREDIT UNION LTD. 95 Townsend St., Sydney (562-5593) 1164 Kings Rd., Sydney River (539-1684) MARGAREE CREDIT UNION LTD. Margaree (235-2659) PORT HOOD CREDIT UNION LTD, Port Hood (787-3246) WHITNEY CREDIT UNION LTD. 924 Victoria Rd., Sydney (564-6478) MABOU CREDIT UNION LTD. Mabou (945-2003) JOHNSTOWN CREDIT UNION LTD. Irish Cove (828-2326) ST. JOSEPH'S CREDIT UNION LTD. Petit-de-Grat (226-2288) LOUISDALE CREDIT UNION LTD. Louisdale (345-2015) L'ARDOISE CREDIT UNION LTD. L'Ardoise (587-2414) MIDDLE RIVER CREDIT UNION LTD. Middle River (295-2572) ST. COLUMBA CREDIT UNION LTD. lona (622-2626) RESERVE MINES CREDIT UNION LTD. Reserve Mines (849-4583) COADY CREDIT UNION LTD. 7 West Ave., Glace Bay (849-7610) STEEL CENTRE CREDIT UNION LTD. 340 Prince St., Sydney (562-5559) LOUISBOURG CREDIT UNION LTD. Louisbourg (733-2540) MAIN-A-DIEU CREDIT UNION LTD. Main-a-Dieu (733-2555) INVERNESS FILENE CREDIT UNION LTD. Inverness (258-2045) LEMOYNE CREDIT UNION LTD. Grand Etang (224-2015) CHETICAMP CREDIT UNION LTD. Cheticamp (224-2055) RIVERDALE CREDIT UNION LTD. Lower River Inhabitants (62.5-1604) RIVER BOURGEOIS CREDIT UNION LTD. River Bourgeois (535-3101) THE CREDIT UNION, ffiUasIGSTOYOUANDME looking for somebody to take a collection? He called me. And I said, "Boy, you remem? ber when I asked you for 500? Now," I said, "tough.... You go and get somebody else to take up a collection for you." And you knew everybody. You knew the fel? lows who were carrying stories to the bosses. You'd set traps for them, you know. I can tell you of one incident, we had one fellow, boy. We were wondering how the stories were getting out. We couldn't fathom it at all. But we had an idea. So anyway, this fellow came into the shack one day and he sat down. And I started running down one of the superintendents. He had just come on, boy, and I was call? ing him--he was from England. And I called him everything under the sun. And about an hour afterwards, this man walked in the shack. And he came right to me. "Oh, Frank," he said, "you think I'm quite a prick, don't you?" And I started to laugh. "Well," I said, "thanks. Jack," I said. "I didn't mean a word I said. I think you're a wonderful guy. And so do all the fellows here. But," I said, "we had a fellow car? rying stories. Now I know who he is." There were only 4 of us in the shack; 3 of us were there; this fellow goes; the su? perintendent comes back. Jack had just come on assistant superintendent. (And then what do you do with a fellow like that?) Well, then you ignore him. He has no life after that at all. You just ignore him. Walk by him like he was a stick. Natural that after maybe 2 or 3 months you'll find he either shifted to another place, on the back of the mill somewhere. But he doesn't stay on the fur? nace with you. You ignore him that bad-- you make life so miserable for him that he doesn't stay there. (From Frank's notebook:) "July the 24th, 1971. Number 1 furnace, first test, 11 carbon, 100 sulfur. That was 4:06. We tapped her at 7:30, on 65 sulfur and 3 carbon. We put 15 bags of coke in the la? dle. Heat boiled in ladle, added 10 boxes of manganese extra, and 6 more bags of MACLEOD'S TRUCKING ltd. BIG ENOUGH TO GIVE GOOD SERVICE • SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOUR NAMEl 539-0070 562-7093 St. Peters Drug Store Ltd. Don Stone, Ph. C, Proprietor Open 6 Days a Week Monday to Friday open until 8 p.m. Saturday open until 5 p.m. 535-2203 St. Peters, Richmond County, N. S.
Cape Breton's Magazine