Page 12 - Remembering Rum-Running Days
ISSUE : Issue 11
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/6/1
he wasn't that type of man. Fraser and Bonner didn't care for anything. We stopped her about 8 railes off. Put the dory over to go aboard her. And vjq just got up along? side and be-Jesus he started up his engines and took off again. Well the cutter went with hira and left us in the dory. The swell was running quite heavy. We were just rolling there waiting. We had no coraraunication with the cutter. They chased her out 5 or 6 railes; then they carae back and picked us up. Hyson had orders from Ottawa- No raatter where he is, bring hira in. 48-49 raile off, he was stopped, figured he was all safe. I was the boarding officer. Captain came aboard with rae. And he read it o- ver that the boat was siezed. Mason (Skipper of the Krorahout) said he was on the high seaso We said we didn't care; we had orders to take it in. She was Canadian pro? perty, registered in Lunenburg. We joined three or four of our head ropes and we towed along for an hour or so, and it parted. Swell came. I think we put another line and she broke that too. Then we put out our own good towing line. Figured to keep it in • save work. We thought we were going to Louisbourg first, but then they told us to take her to Sydney. Then it was 11 o'clock at night • a little dirty • not bad. Went in through Main-a-Dieu passage • and soon as he was through and clear for the open sea, what did he do? They locked the engine roora up on us and we couldn't in. And ray instructions were to avoid all bloodshed. They cut the towline and started for St. Pierre. Corae daylight I tried to talk a little sense into him. The owners had such influence they could have got off with about a 412 dollar fine. But they made a mess of it. By afternoon he wanted to raake a deal • but I was all through. "You go where you want boy." By this tirae I had a pair of black eyes. I got an awful punch in the snout when he tried to get the wheel back frora me. But the influence of that outfit, they could have got off with a fine. Instead they lost the whole damn works and he went to jail. He said the raounties lied hira into jail. Well, if the raounties lied hira into jail so did the radio bearing frora Canso. (The Krorahout was escorted back frora St. Pierre by the cutter Pleur-de-Lis, carrying 4,485 gallons of rura in 5- and 10-gallon kegs, and 93 gallons assorted liquors. This case established the precedent, that a vessel spotted inside territorial liraits could be pursued and taken on the high seas.) Alex Goldraan: The first tirae I ever went out to raake a landing I was 15 years old. They asked rae if I would go out overnight, 10 dollars a night. We went out • we had 7 touring cars all with the back seats out and the curtains up. They gave me a Nash to drive, of which I was very proud • and of course the seat was out to raake roora for the 10-gallon kegs of rum. And the very first landing we raade was soraewhere near Irish Cove on the Bras d'Or Lakes. I was a big boy then. I was the same size I ara KA3rnmm ICtb. PRESCRIPTIONSCOSMETICSTOiLETRIES.ETC. INVERNESS • PHONE 258-24O0 • NOVA SCOTIA "Turn left at the Causeway • Route 19 • It's a lovely way to go." The Moxham Room Din. in tha warm congenial atmo- iphere of our well-appointed dininc room. Fine food, attentive service and • comprehensive wine list. You'll enjoy dining with ut. Call on us soon. Holiday Inn of Sydney, Nova Scotia 480 King's Road Telephone (902) 539-6750 Cape Breton's Magazine/12 If you're satisfied, tell others If not...tell us. Cottage Lunchette North East Margaree CEIMTRAL& NOVA SCOTIA TRUSTCOMm IMY 225 Chorrotta Straet, Sydney. Nova Scotio, P. 0. Box 307, BIP 6H2 Telephone (902) 562-5596 Estate Planning ? Mortgages and Real Es? tate • Savings & Chequing Accounts • Guaranteed Investment Certificates . Investment Management Phone (902) 794-7251 Cable BRENNANS Telex 019-35149 Night & Holiday 736-8479 794-3178 Brennans Travel Agency PURVES STREET, NORTH SYDNEY STEAMSHIP • AIRLINE • RAIL AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS
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