Page 32 - With Ella Smith and Joanne Donovan
ISSUE : Issue 52
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/8/1
floor. Ella: Went down through the floor. (They got to the second floor?) No, they didn't. One sit on the other fellow's shoulder and tried to look up. And when they did, they went down through the floor. (Oh, the floor they were standing on.) Yeah. The floor went right down. Joanne: Where the steps were. Like in a bundle. (So they still didn't get to see the second floor.) Ella: No. They went down through the floor, and then they got frightened. (But is it fair to say that not only do experiences come to you, but you sort of seek them.) It must be. Joanne: Kind of, I guess, yeah.... Ella: This is hard to believe. But over in my grandmother's house, from the time I was a kid, they had an old grandfather DEPART ARRIVE SYDNEY HALIFAX 8:45 A.M. 5:10 P.M. ACADIAN STRIPS DAILY BETWEEN SYDNEY & HALIFAX TRIP 52 - Pick ups In: NORTH SYDNEY, LITTLE BRAS DOR. BIG HARBOUR, BADDECK, LITTLE NARROWS, WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HASTINGS, PORT HAWKESBURY, & others TRIP64L • No other Cape Breton pick ups 10:30 AM. 4:00 P.M. TRIP62L - Pick-ups in: NORTH SYDNEY, 11:00 A.M. 5:40 P M. LITTLE BRAS D'OR, BADDECK. WHYCOCOMAGH. & PORT HAWKESBURY TRIP 54 - Via St. Peter's - Pick ups in: SYDNEY RIVER, 2:15P.M. 9aaP.'j BIG POND. ST. PETERS, GRAND ANSE. CLEVELAND. PORT HAWKESBURY, & others TRIP 76 - Pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. BADDECK. 6:00 P.M. 12:00 AM. WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HAWKESBURY (SUNDAY TO FRIDAY ONLY) PARCEL EXPRESS • Same day servfce to most Maritime points * Collect shipments now accepted * Excess insurance available to $500.00 • "Priority Pak" our new 12"x16" waterproof envel(' with a flat rate throughoutjhe Maritimes for $4.00~sold 10 for $40.00 GRAYLINE SIGHTSEEING TOURS June 1 - October 15 See Historic Halifax / Peggy's Cove We depart from most hotels finr these tours. ACADIAN LINES LIMITED 6040 Almon Street, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5M1 CALL TOLL FREE 1-454-9321 for further Information clock. Quite a big one. A cuckoo clock. It never will work--from the time I can re? member- -that clock never will work. They never ever took it down. And, every now and then this clock would start to--this bird would come out--"Cuckoo, cuckoo." And the clock would go. And every time it hap? pened, within 3 days, somebody would die. But not (for) everybody that died, but just certain ones. And one day--who was it--it was somebody close to--I believe it was her grandson, 23 years old. And they didn't know he was sick or anything. And he had cancer. He was in Toronto. The cuckoo comes out. "Cuckoo, cuckoo," and the old clock start? ed going. So when they got the word that (he) had cancer and there was no cure for him, that's when my grandmother beat up the clock. (She what?) She beat the clock up. That clock, it was always the death of somebody in the family or somebody close-- that would come out and that bird would cuckoo. And she swore over that--she had it there for years. Like every time it was that. When (her grandson) got sick, that was just--she was getting old--that was a bit much. She beat it up. She tried to make herself believe that it wasn't a death, but she said it never failed her, there was a death, every time that bird'd come out. But yet the damn thing had no guts, really. What would make it cuckoo? You know, it would come out. Grandpa had an old travel alarm. And when he died, that's the only thing Mom wanted that belonged to her father was this old travel alarm. And she had this little trailer down here. Well, every now and then--one day she called me, "Come down, I want to show you something." I said, "What?" "Look," she said, "that goddamn foolish clock's going backwards again. You watch," she said, "somebody's going to die." I said, "Mom! Clock going back? wards!" Sure enough, I went down and I sat down--6 o'clock come, 5 o'clock come, 4 o'clock. The clock would go backwards. And every time that clock went backwards, you were sure to hear somebody died. And she said, "You watch, the next time somebody dies," she said. (Next time) she called me. "Clock's going backwards again!" This J 2nc-'?%&m.; DOIMtJ ( OPEN 24 HOURS • 7 DAYS A WEEK ) Cor. Charlotte & Townsend Sydney (562-8085) 1058 Kings Road Sydney River (539-3931) 412 Welton Street Sydney (562-5033) Prince Street Sydney Shopping Centre (539-4287) Sterling Mall Glace Bay (849-0988) 106 King Street North Sydney (794-8337) iilit' "Always fresh because you keep eating them!" 32 < 3617.jpg
Cape Breton's Magazine