Inside Back Cover - Advert: St. Ann's Gaelic College
ISSUE : Issue 52
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/8/1
Attractions GREAT HALL OF THE CLANS CRAFT CENTRE SCOTTISH TEAROOM DUTY PIPER ON THE GROUNDS SPECIAL PERFORMANCES: TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK to WELCOME VISITORS DURING JULY and AUGUST 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. September 1 to October 15 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. l/'inttr School COURSES IN: CAPE BRETON STEP DANCING PIPE BAND DRUMMING HIGHLAND DANCING GAELIC LANGUAGE SCOTTISH VIOLIN BAGPIPE MUSIC HANDCRAFTS We Host ELDERHOSTEL TRADITION CONTINUES AT THE St. 'nn's, 9{gva Scotia Siu??ust 6-12,1989 Don't miss this week long festival of events in? cluding competitions in solo piping and drum? ming, pipe bands, Gaelic language and song, and Higtiland dance. Also enjoy our many excellent performances featuring tlie very best in Scottish Arts & Entertainment. The GAELIC MOD provides visitors with sights and sounds to be remembered. For further information contact: The Qadic Coiiegc of cdtic Arts & Crafts P. O. Box 9, Baddeck, Nova Scotia BOE 1B0 Phone (902) 295-3411 Located on the Cabot Trail 1 km. North from Exit 11 on the Trans-Canada Highway' SEA-CAPE Is proud to announce Buddy MacMaster's long-awaited album: "Judique on the Floor' also available in cassette $11.99 Also Available: Two Popular Books by Allister MacGillivray ($19.95 each) The cape BFietor? ceiLir>b A CAPE BRETON CEILIDH THE CAPE BRETON SONG COLLECTION Cape Breton (??ong Collection (Nova Scotia residents add 10% provincial sales tax) CA-CAPe SEA-CAPE products are available everywhere! Or direct from SEA-CAPE MUSIC LTD. P. O. Box 357 Sydney, N. S. B1P6H2 (902) 562-2233
Cape Breton's Magazine