Page 41 - Dan Hughie MacIsaac, Broad Cove Banks "Two Stories My Grandfather Told"
ISSUE : Issue 53
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1
And (one of them) says. "Remember. If we get along, we'll all come back. And we'll stop here. And we'll talk about what hap? pened. That's the only way we can find out, if we'll be a long time away. We'll all come back to this place."... They'd meet. They'd meet there when--in years to come, like. (They didn't set a time, though.) They didn't set a time, but--that they'd--well, they must have set a time. Because the way it worked out-- yeah, they set a time. So they started walking. They started walking and walking. The first fellow, he met a fellow on horseback, but he'd run in the woods. The fellow made him come on horseback, and he took him with him. And he was a boatbuilder. He says, "I'll learn you to build a boat." So the next boy was going--there was another fellow came. And he says, "You come with me, and I'll give you a good job. You can work, you can work with me to make clothing." But the last little fellow, it was a rob? ber that he met. So he came down: "Come with'me." The little fellow was scared, but he went with him. He says, "Tomorrow, the tax man is coming, and he's going to be full of money. And you got to try and get that money from the tax man." But the little fellow--the giant told him, "You'll have to get that money." (The giant or the robber?) It was a giant and a robber. "You'll have to get that money. Or your head is going to be on that stick there." And the little fellow starts--he didn't know in the world what to do. But anyways, he went down the road. And there was a big hill there. And by gosh, he saw the mailman coming on horseback. So he jumped around and put his ear to the hill on this side. And he'd run around the kf, ' W' Ltoyd MacDonald NISSAN Q'BZI Our 30th Year 124 KINGS ROAD SYDNEY RIVER Toll Free 1-800-565-9427 20 CAR SHOWROOM 1990 Pathfinder 4x4 NOW IN STOCK ' Also Available in 4-Door • hill and he'd put it on the other side. Come back and put it on the other side. (His ear against the hill.) Yes, the hill. So the mailman stopped. And he had a horse. And the mail or the money and everything was in it. He hollered to the little one, "What are you doing there?" "Oh, you should hear the music inside of this hill. Some? time it's over there and sometime it's here, and sometime it's over there." So the mailman says, "You hold my horse." So he held the horse. So he put his ear to the hill: "There's nothing here." "Oh, it's on the other side now." So the minute he went on the other side, the little fel? low took off, and stole it, and gave it to the robber or whatever he was. Now that's only just a part of it. And the one that built the boat--the one that built the boat--they went to work and they got a boat. And the three of them went sailing. And they ran out of food. And they hit a place. And they went up on top of the bank. They got up on top of the bank. And they came into a big hole. And they could feel heat coming out of the hole. So, they had a basket. And they took all the riggings of the boat, that they lowered it in the hole. And they tied the basket in, and one fellow went in the bas? ket and went down. "Now when I shake the rope, take me back up." And he only went down a little ways when he got scared then. He shook the rope and took him back up. The next fellow went '' Vac Shack ( #1 For Service *) VACUUM SALES & SERVICE • Parts & Accessories • Most Makes & Models 15% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS 213 Charlotte St. Sydney, N. S. OFFICIAL WARRANTY DEPOT FOR FILTER QUEEN 562-5562 Oceanside Assistance Group Limited Providing Small Business Development Assistance Renwick Place 17 Commercial St. Glace Bay, N. S. B1A3B9 Tel. 849-0544 DRUG STORES MAYFLOWER MALL - Grand Lake Road - 539-5080 CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA - Sydney River - 564-8151 15 % DISCOUNT TO SENIORS LAST THURSDAY EACH MONTH Free Delivery in the Sydney Area
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