Page 57 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May
ISSUE : Issue 53
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1
Unfortunately, we have to do everything all at once. Like, we still have to try to fight her? bicide spraying in Cape Breton, at the same time that we try--and we have to start--as difficult as it is in Cape Breton--we have to figure out what we're going to do about fossil fuels.... We have to be one of the first plac? es that says, "How do we contribute to plane? tary survival? How do we turn our economy around so that we are not pvimping carbon diox? ide into the atmosphere, heating up the cli? mate?" I mean, the greenhouse effect is going to take a terrible toll on Cape Breton, too, so it's self-interest not to put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because it's the low-lying areas that are going to get flooded. So any island areas are going to be severely impacted by melting polar icecaps from a warm? ing climate. ''WhatDoes WORKBiS'COMPBMnON Have To DO With ME, I'MSof-Eimom?'' You don't hove to work for someone else to benefit from Workers' Compensation. All self-employed people are eligible including those who wori( in fanning, forestry and the fishery. Having Wori
Cape Breton's Magazine