Page 67 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel
ISSUE : Issue 53
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1
was over. But I couldn't just leave the cab, and meeting so many people around the world. I couldn't. The last one was Dick Logue--begged me. And the General Motors, from head office, to put me on--free car, free expenses--an inspector for the Prov? ince of Nova Scotia. Checking on garages, and complaints that would be all handed in to me. Then, after the war, you see, cred? it came out--General Motors credit. And those that were behind in payments, you'd visit them or wherever they were. You'd work out of Cape Breton one week, Antigon? ish another week, Halifax two weeks. And then the Valley. And wherever I stayed, it was all paid by GM. (But you chose not to do that.) I turned it down. (What other kind of jobs were you offered?) When Permanent Trust came in here, God, he was after me, after me. He waited two months, before he'd hire an assistant. He wanted me. 'Cause there was property con? nected, finances, and so forth--and field work--they called it field work. And Clark's Pork and Beans wanted me, for the island of Cape Breton, to travel different stores, every store in the country. See, country stores were coming out big. And you'd go and take an order. And Eastern Bakeries, when they moved in, wanted me to go with them and travel and sell bread. (But you chose not to do any of those.) No. And Foulis Engineering in Halifax--he built that blast furnace over here. Foulis Engineering, my God, he cried when I wouldn't go. He knew I could do it. He knew that I was the only one in Nova Sco? tia that could fill in the sleeve, like, that he wanted--Foulis Engineering. (But you didn't do that.) No. tell me then. I wanted to be: open air, meeting the public, and talking to people. I could understand 7 languages. The men off of the ships, the Norwegians, the Dan? ish, the Polish, and French. And--well, the English twang, I was pretty good at that. And there was one other--German. Yeah. I was good at it. (What did your mother hope for you? What did she want you to be, do you think?) Begged me not to go away from Sydney. And I guess that was one of the reasons. And, "Charle, come out to see me as often as you can." And I tried. I used to land out there on Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. I'd be probably coming from Louisbourg or somewheres, Main-a-Dieu. "Mum, I want a little breakfast." "Oh, I'll get you that, Charle." Always called me Charle. There were 4 boys. And the other 3 boys were a little jealous of me. Because Mum favoured me, and my dad favoured me. He'd call me "Pluck to the Heels." (What did that mean?) I was smart at anything, could do anything. My God, boy. I said, "Mum"-- when I was leaving home to go to Loch Lo? mond on the truck. I had from May until the end of June--I knew I was going--when I would write my Grade 11 exam, driving the truck up there. 'Cause I was booked for it. I said, "Mum, before I leave"--I told her during the winter when I was.... The school madam, she boarded at our place out the country. She was a woman about 40. And I was only 13, 14--I was 14 when I came out of XJrade 11, wrote up here at the Academy. I said, "Mum, I'm going to"--the spring we had was like down at the red building down R. B. Cameron wanted me to go with him, field work, when he was manager of the steel plant over here. And he was opening up a little (plant) for selling nails and all that to big firms--hardware firms, and all that. R. B. Cameron. I turned them all down. I often wonder whether I did right or not. But, you couldn't The Cape Bretoner Motel 200'Seat Banquet Facilities • Indoor Pool 560 KING'S ROAD SYDNEY NOVA SCOTIA PHONE (902) 539-8101 Completely Renovated with New Suites 0 Locally Owned Licensed Restaurant and Quiet Lounge Wayne Weatherloee, Director SHOULD YOU PRE-ARRANGE V ?? y IHi FUNERAL? Today, more than ever before, people are thinking and doing something about the future. Among those concerns for the future is the matter of their plans for their funeral. Sydney Memorial Chapel Ltd. respectfully suggests that it is a good idea to visit your Funeral Director, and together talk these matters over quietly and calmly. He can help you with information as to the different services and their costs, and then he will confirm your arrangements in writing so that your family will know what you want. Si'finetf ?temoriaC Chapel Ltd, 49 Welton Street, St|cineip A Non-Denominational Funeral Chapel 539-0500
Cape Breton's Magazine