Page 79 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio
ISSUE : Issue 53
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1
main door opened, and the late Chief Tra- cey came in. And there was an RCMP. His name was MacLellan; he was an old man, was older than the others. And it seemed to me as if he had nice clothes on, you see. It was about 10 o'clock. And the late Chief Tracey said to his desk sergeant, "What would have happened here if I hadn't come?" And the desk sergeant said, "I had orders not to interfere." I heard that. So then they had to call a doctor. They had to get a clip to this fellow, in the lip. And they had to patch up this fel? low's face. He bled--smashed--all the blood over his shirt. His knees were all-- the skin of his knees were all battered by the kicking. They had to do something to put some patching on that. And the other fellow with two black eyes, they gave him some treatment. Anyway, the next morning they gave us breakfast. The fellow brought me a dish with holes in, with one egg--a rusted dish, plate, you know--a tin plate, rusted out, with a hole in it, and with one egg in one corner. So I took it and I threw it in the garbage can. I said this fellow wanted to poi? son me or something! that they were taking us to Petawawa Con? centration Camp. Because one of the RCMP, as the train moved on, we had a car of ourselves, see. We stood by the back of the coach, the car. He said, "Well, men," he said, "you know, from now on, you're under my care. And if you play ball with me, all right. If not"--he put his hand on his revolver, you know. He said, "You're going to Petawawa Concentration Camp." (Had you ever heard of that place before?) No. I didn't know what in the hell it was. Anjrway, one of our men--he was an elderly man--was right next to the RCMP officer. Skye Motor Hotel and Licensed Restaurant 77 Comfortable Units * Free Colour Pay-TV (902)625-1300 P.O.Box 190 PORT HASTINGS n.s.boe2to - Open All Year at the Canso Causeway - So then, after that, they took us by car--about 5 cars. The RCMP all in red coats. They put-us in the cars and we left. We made the first stop at Antigon? ish, at the old Brigadoon-- it's still there--Restaur? ant . And they paraded us across the street, flanked by the RCMP on each side, you know. They looked like big heroes, the way we looked. We looked like criminals, looked like as if we had resisted arrest. Because one fellow had a big patch on his lip, the other fellow black eyes, stained blood shirts. You know, we looked terrible. So after we went inside, we had dinner. One of the RCMP. he said, "Now,".he said, "you can order what you want. This is your last meal of your choice." He told me. "Oh, okay," I said, "I think," I said, "that I'll have a good sir? loin steak with all the trimmings." So after dinner they took us to Truro. And then from there on, they got us on the train, in the evening. And that's the time we knew STORA' Stora Forest Industries Limited CARING FOR TOMORROW'S RESOURCES, TODAY! STORA FOREST INDUSTRIES LIMITED has planted more than 83 million seedlings in the seven eastern counties of Nova Scotia since beginning operations in Cape Breton in 1962. The Company has carried out forest improvement work with site preparation, planting, weeding and spacing of young stands of trees on more than 100,000 hectares. In Canada, we are recognized as a leader in forest management. A member of the STORA G ROUP, Sweden, STORA FOREST INDUSTRIES LIMITED is proud to be part of the oldest company in the world. YEARSOF PROGRESS IN NOVA SCOTIA
Cape Breton's Magazine