Page 86 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio
ISSUE : Issue 53
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1
said, "you know," he said, "one time me play cards with friend. And, play for beer. Me beat friend, all day, and we drink beer. Friend got sore, got mad." So the sergeant went in his file, and he looked up the name, the informer, and read the name. He said, "Joe, you know this - man?" "Yeah," he said, "that's the man, we play cards." Sergeant said to me, "Could you believe that? Bring.a man in a concen? tration camp over a game of cards!" This is gospel truth. I can swear this anywhere. (What do you think they said about you?) Oh, I don't know. I asked him, I said, "Why don't you show me my informers?" He said, "Your informers are professionals-- some of them are professionals." "Yes, be? cause," I said, "they used to tease me about Italy. And." I said, "I would tell them that they must not forget that their ancestors were not long ago under the heels of my ancestors. That's what they A & A Records 539-9753 A&W; 539-8070 Afterthoughts 539-1113 Aggies 562-0182 Agnew 562-0183 Antels 539-5889 Big Steel 562-3236 Boutique Calliope 539-9915 Burkes Sound Centre 562-1986 City Streets 539-1988 Coles Book Store 539-1313 Coronet Cards 539-9738 DAIIairds 539-0099 Dalmys 539-1814 Dapper Dan 539-7450 Dave's Island Pet Shop... 564-9887 Dorlene 539-5556 Faces 539-1949 Fairweather 539-5959 Fashions Fancy 539-9198 Fast Shop 564-0750 Footlocker 539-7080 Head Shoppe 539-6650 Highland Classic 564-2199 Hudson Bay 539-8350 It Store 539-4747 Imperial Optical 564-8486 Jack Fraser/The Loft 539-9220 Japan Camera 539-5040 Jaspers Family Restaurant & Lounge 539-9909 Jean Depot 539-9190 Kids World 539-1700 Kinney Shoes 539-6045 L.A. Express 539-2841 Lady Footlocker 539-4418 Leisure World 562-6098 Lotto Booth 539-0862 Maher 539-6130 Mappins 539-9752 Maritime Marlin Travel ... 564-0600 Marks & Spencer 539-4060 Mug-Up 539-8883 Naturalizer 539-3400 Orange Julius 564-0726 Panhandler 562-2311 Peoples 539-9755 Phone Centre 562-5005 Radio Shack 539-0809 Reitmana 539-8679 Riverside Dry Cleaners .. 539-0693 Rudderhams Sport Shop 539-3644 Sentiment Shop 539-4943 Shoppers Drug Mart 539-5632 Smart Set 539-8911 Starcade 539-4442 Stone's Superior Homes 564-9095 Supertouch 564-9939 Suzy Shier 562-6545 Thriftys 539-5453 Tip Top Tailors 539-5805 Toronto-Dominion Bank.. 539-0670 Town & Country 562-2204 Treats 539-0111 Tridont Dental Centre 562-8600 Wooico 539-9330 Work World 562-7976 Mayflower Mall Office: - General Inquiries/Leasing 539-0862 BURNAC I Markborough didn't like. You see," I said, "remember-- I'm an Italian. And I'm' not scared to talk." That's what they don't like. (So you never found out who it was that had done this.) No. I've tried to find out. With that Access to Information, I wrote the commissioner. They can't find the names. They said those names are held by the RCMP in Ottawa somewhere. And they wrote me back: the only way they'd give you the name is, if the person has to be dead 20 years, or, if he allows for him to be revealed. Well, that never happened. (So one day, after 21 months, did they sim? ply put you back on a train, sent you back to Cape Breton?) Oh, yes. I was the first in Cape Breton to come back here. (And how were you greeted?) Oh, my wife, that's all. My wife came and met me in Truro. I didn't bother--nobody knew. (Everybody knew you were gone, though, for two years.) Yeah, well, gone. But I mean, when I came back-- oh, the people here, when I came back here, the people were nice to me. (The war was still on.) Oh, yeah, 1942. They were nice, they were glad to see me back. And they said, "Now that you're back, we're going to come and see you." (And business was good.) Oh, yeah, busi? ness got good again.... But there were a lot of people never came back to me--oh, no. Some of them would stop in front of my place with shoes in their hands--stop, and go to my opponents. To show me. Oh, yes, they did it. They did it. You know, it's an awful thing to do a thing--what they did to the people, it's an awful thing. You can't pay the humilia? tion received by people who were interned. You cannot pay--no money. You have downed their character. You see, and then the government does not come out and apologize or tell the people that it wasn't done wrong--nothing. It's a horrible thing. See, it's not a question of money alone. But if the government of Canada had come out and said, "Well, it was a wartime in? vestigation, it took 8 months, but we have Cape Breton Auto Radiator co RADIATOR HOSES • REPAIRING • CLEANING • RECORING .r'oi- . COMPLETE CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE _' 518 Grand auto * truck * industrial Sydney Lake Road Complete Line of Gas Tanks 564-6362 . NOW DOING AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING • SERVING CAPE BRETON • READY MIX CONCRETE • CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS • PATIO BLOCKS PRIME BROOK, SYDNEY 539-5217
Cape Breton's Magazine